In your gut, there are trillions of microorganisms that make up your gut microbiome. Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is home to many bacteria, fungi, and viruses. This isn’t a bad thing, though. All of these microorganisms keep yourgut healthy. When they’re out of balance, dysbiosis ha...
"Dysbiosis" often refers to an alteration in the gut microbiome, but conceptual clarification is rarely provided. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to refine a conceptual definition of dysbiosis based on a review of nursing literature. Method: A Rodgerian approach to concept analysis was ...
The gut microbiome has been referred to as the "forgotten organ." Although much about the gut microbiome remains incompletely understood, data on its clinical importance is emerging at rapid speed. Many practicing clinicians may be unaware of the essential role that the microbiome plays in both he...
The gut microbiome has been referred to as the “forgotten organ.” Although much about the gut microbiome remains incompletely understood, data on its clinical importance is emerging at rapid speed. Many prac
Gut microbiome dysbiosis drives metabolic dysfunction in Familial dysautonomia Alexandra M. Cheney, Stephanann M. Costello, Nicholas V. Pinkham, Annie Waldum, Susan C. Broadaway, Maria Cotrina-Vidal, Marc Mergy, Brian Tripet, Douglas J. Kominsky, Heather M. Grifka-Walk, Horacio...
Microbiome and Gut Dysbiosis in Human Health doi:10.35248/2167-7956.23.12.262Journal of biomolecular research & therapeuticsGunther Jarvis
The incidence of sporadic young-onset colorectal cancer (yCRC) is increasing. A significant knowledge gap exists in the gut microbiota and its diagnostic value for yCRC patients. Through 16S rRNA gene sequencing, 728 samples are collected to identify mic
On one hand, the gut microbiome shapes the hematopoietic system function throughout the lifetime of human, particularly through interferon-1 signaling and as an aging-associated driver of hematopoietic phenotype by the process of stimulation of IL-1 receptor 1 signaling [101,102]. In addition, ...
in a nonpathogenic or commensal (beneficial) bacterial species community mainly characterise a dysbiotic gutmicrobiome.Dysbiosismight be classified as three types: a) a lack of beneficial bacteria, b) an abundance of pathogenic microorganisms, and c) a lack of diversity in microbial species, which ...
Myeloperoxidase deficiency impacts the composition of the gut microbiome: a case for variable disease penetrance? The most abundant proteolytic enzyme found in neutrophilic granules, myeloperoxidase (MPO) is a heme peroxidase with microbicidal activity. While MPO inhibition has therapeutic promise for treatm...