It also allows you to add and save your own reading texts so you can personalise your speech pacing practice HOW to use Speech Pacesetter Choose a reading passage Select a visual cue for each syllable or each word Read the text aloud in unison with the visual cue Adjust the speed of...
1 NEWCASTLE DYSARTHRIA ASSESSMENT TOOL (N-DAT)Circle the appropriate information and make comments. Interpret your findings using the Dysarthria Differential Diagnosis Tool.You will need: a stopwatch, a mirror, a voice recorder, and the cookie theft picture and/or the caterpillar passage.Norms: ...
HOW to useConversation Paceboard Choose a conversation topic Answer the conversation starter question Say one word or syllable per circle Wait for the circle to fill with colour before pressing the next circle and saying the next syllable or word ...
We communicate our emotional state not just with the words we use, but also how we say them. Changes in the rate of speech, short-term energy and intonation all help to convey emotional states like 'angry', 'sad' and 'happy'. People with dysarthria, the most common speech disorder, ...
So it is reasonable to say that the high correlation between BED and SCG with window size might indicate the great importance of the vocalised signal, typical of frequencies around 500 Hz, for the window size parameter. Regarding window shift, correlations that are more significant were ...