DYPLOMACJA CHISKIEJ REPUBLIKI LUDOWEJ W OKRESIE PANDEMII COVID-19 WOBEC PASTW AFRYKIdoi:10.12797/Politeja.20.2024.89.13CHINAAFRICAPUBLIC health infrastructureINTERNATIONAL competitionCOVID-19 pandemicPOLITICAL stabilitySOFT power (Social sciences)COVID-19 pandemic has been ...
Dyplomacja brytyjska wobec hiszpańskiego zaangaowania w wojn o sukcesj polsk (1733–1735) 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 6 作者: M Makówka 摘要: The aim of this article is to present the attitude of Great Britain to Spanish involvement in the war of Polish succession. Benjamin...
This article aims al presenting the activity of Scotland as a sub-state entity with reference to the field of its foreign policy. Its main assumption is that the concept of foreign policy has significantly changed in recent decades. The term most often used to describe this phenomenon is '...
In order to achieve the sustainable development goals Taiwan treats renewable energy as a critical solution in combating climate change and ensuring energy security by adding diversity to an overall electricity mix.GACEK, ukaszPoliteja
Dyplomacja jugosłowiańska wobec polsko-czechosłowackich kontrowersji granicznych z lat 1945–1947as regards the relations between Yugoslavia and Poland and Czech, in the first years following the end of the Second World War, contracting treaties on friendship and mutual cooperation became a...
The aim of this study is to show that energy diplomacy is not only a way to achieve energy policy goals but it also constitutes an important tool of state's foreign policy in the contemporary wor...
The aim of the article is to analyse the essence and specificity of the European Union's (EU) science diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this aim, approaches in defining the concept of science diplomacy and its genesis have been analysed; an attempt ha...
Realizm, idealizm, dyplomacja. W obronie WilsonaA leading Polish scholar offers a new look at the legendary U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and his more than realistic vision of the future of Europe.Marek Kornat
DYPLOMACJA BEZ DYPLOMATW. POLSKO-CHORWACKIE PARTNERSTWA REGIONALNEdoi:10.7366/1509499548205POLISH voivodeshipsDIPLOMACYDIPLOMATSPARTNERSHIP agreementsRegions can get involved in international-relations activity defined as paradiplomacy. It is similar to state diplomacy as it is subject to its l...
Dyplomacja obronna - nowy instrument polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa"Defence diplomacy" is a relatively new term developed in response to the post-ColdWar demand for new international missions and functions carried out by the armed forces. Itshould not be understood as a kind of ...