Endogenous dynorphin in epileptogenesis and epilepsy: anticonvulsant net effect via kappa opioid receptors. Neuropsychiatric disorders are one of the main challenges of human medicine with epilepsy being one of the most common serious disorders of the brain. Incr... S Loacker,M Sayyah,H Herzog,.....
Endogenous dynorphin in epileptogenesis and epilepsy: anticonvulsant net effect via kappa opioid receptors. Brain 130: 1017–1028. Marchant NJ, Densmore VS, Osborne PB (2007). Coexpression of prodynorphin and corticotrophin-releasing hormone in the rat central amygdala: evidence of two distinct ...
Postictal and interictal psychoses are relatively common complicating factors in the clinical course of epilepsy, yet their neurobiological substrates are poorly understood. Recent evidence shows that kappa opioid receptor (KOR) activation elicits anticonvulsant and psychotomimetic effects. In view of this...
Isobolographic characterization of interactions between vigabatrin and tiagabine in two experimental models of epilepsy. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2007;31(2):529–38. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Brandão MS, Pereira SS, Lima DF, Oliveira JP, Ferreira EL, Chaves MH, Almeida...
Opioid peptides are involved in various pathophysiological processes, including algesia, epilepsy, and drug dependence. A strong association between L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID) and elevated prodynorphin mRNA levels has been established in both patients and in animal models of Parkinson's disease,...
Opioid peptides are involved in various pathophysiological processes, including algesia, epilepsy and drug dependency. A strong association between L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID) and elevated prodynorphin mRNA levels has been established in both patients and in animal models of Parkinson's disease (...
Opioid peptides are involved in various pathophysiological processes, including algesia, epilepsy, and drug dependence. A strong association betweenl-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID) and elevated prodynorphin mRNA levels has been established in both patients and in animal models of Parkinson's disease, ...
EpilepsyAnxietyStressDepressionSchizophreniaSince the first description of their opioid properties three decades ago, dynorphins have increasingly been thought to play a regulatory role in numerous functional pathways of the brain. Dynorphins are members of the opioid peptide family and preferentially bind ...