system=dyndns&hostname=__HOSTNAME__&myip=__MYIP__ [] modulepath=DynDNS queryurl...= qu... Be sure to use period of 60 minutes or more with --daemon option to not increase the load in the "ping" site and cause admin's to shut down the service. --urlping-dyndns Contact service to obtain IP address ...
通过URL认证 (所有的在一行) /update?...system=dyndns&hostname=&myip=&wildcard=OFF&mx=mail.exchanger.ext&backmx=NO&offline...HTTP GET 请求 1) dyndns, statdns GET /dyndns/update?...username:pass must be encoded in base64) User-Agent: myclient/1.0 me...
DynDNS Account Create a new DynDNS account by clicking on "Add an account". Now introduce the desired username, password and hostname (for example, and confirm the registration. Update-URL In the overview of DynamicDNS, you will now find the URL-Update, which can be set... The license is GNU GPLv3 or higher. pythonsimplensupdateddnsdyndnsbinddynamic-dns-solutiondynamic-dns-serversimple-stupidzone-updatenameddyndns-service GPL-3.0, Unknown licenses found Security policy 260stars 18watching ...
到 申請免費的 Domain Name 開啟瀏覽器, 連結網址: 第一次註冊請點選畫面右上角的 "Sign Up Now". 依序輸入 username (將來要 login 到 的帳號)、e-mail address、password, 完成後會發一封確認信到你的 e-mail 信箱. ...
domain=""interface="eth0"ipv4_url=""dyndns_url=""[query]ipv4="myip"ipv6="myipv6"[basic_auth]username="example"password="12345" domainis the domain for which IPs are going to be updated ...
11httpservername goform ddns cmd value parameter value parameter value Values描述enableddns int 1DDNS0不启用1 启动isptype int 6ISP类型0dyndns org1 noip com2 ActiveDNS3 cn99 com4 ipkan net5 ipkan cn6 ipkan com cnsitename string 站点名称ddnsip string Ddns自定义服务地址account string DDNS用户...
KEY}(default"time") --network string [ip] Network${DYNDNS_NETWORK}(default"tcp4") --proxied [dyndns] Proxied${DYNDNS_PROXIED}(default false) --token string [dyndns] Cloudflare token${DYNDNS_TOKEN}--uRL string [ip] URLforgetting IPv4 or v6${DYNDNS_URL}(default"
檢查你的 e-mail, 看看是否有一封主旨為: Your Account Information 的信. 打開後, 點選 "To confirm your account, please go to the address below" 底下的那串連結完成註冊. 回到 首頁, 於畫面右上角輸入剛剛註冊的帳號密碼後, 按 Login 登入. ...