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enough to look into older entries and be cautiously excited for the upcoming Dynasty Warriors 8, at least until I get some news that Koei hasn't forever abandoned those of us who prefer the Samurai Warriors. Dynasty warriors next is a game based on dynasty warrior 7 a game that came out...
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Few games let you smite hundreds of enemies with grandiose attacks as well as the long-running Dynasty Warriors series does, and so in a sense the latest one, Dynasty Warriors Origins, is competing with its past self. But with an enhanced combat system t
KOEI TECMO EUROPE今天在官方推特上正式宣布,《真三国无双7:帝国》将于2015年1月27日登陆北美,30日登陆欧洲,平台为PS4,PS3,Xbox One以及PC。这也是该系列首次登录PC平台。PS4与Xbox One版本将以实体形式发售,PC版和PS3版将分别通过Steam及PSN发售。