自帶繁簡中文遊戲團隊Rockey Flair Studios製作的基地建造遊戲黃沙王朝,玩家扮演古埃及帝國建築師,利用土地、河流與野生動物,從零開始打造埃及帝國。遊戲加入了日夜切換、天候季節變化,打造帝國同時也要注意飢餓、乾旱、疾病和危險的野生動物,克服各種危機...
Dynasty of the Sands challenges you to build a grand city upon the banks of the Nile. A huge open world awaits, populated with relics of dynasties past. You must discover resources and technologies, improve the lives of your citizens, and build a vast ci
(Dynasty of the Sands) 玩家评分 8.3 类型:策略游戏平台: PC 发售: 未知(PC) 制作:Rocket Flair Studios发行:Rocket Flair Studios语言:英文 | 多国 | 其他标签: 历史 生存 建造 独立 首页 新闻 攻略 下载 图片 在这款需要缜密规划的生存型城市建造游戏中,你将充当缔造者,打造自己的埃及帝国。你的每一个...
Set to launch in Early Access in 2024, Dynasty of the Sands is an Ancient Egypt-inspired creative/survival city builder hybrid set in a stunning open world.
《沙漠王朝(Dynasty of the Sands)》是一款城市建设玩法的模拟经营游戏,游戏背景是极具时代特色的古埃及,你能在游戏中体验非常浓厚的古埃及风情。在尼罗河畔,在金字塔下,你要将你的城市和国家建设成庞大的帝国,同时还要让你的人民安居乐业。 游戏背景 你将成为一位古埃及城市建造者-专注于生存,扩展和创造力。
《沙漠王朝(Dynasty of the Sands)》是一款神话般的古埃及城市建筑游戏。沿着尼罗河两岸建造一个天堂。你要在古埃及建造一座坚固的金字塔,成为你安息的地方,并成为你王朝永恒的纪念碑。要实现这一壮举,就需要一个宏伟的城市、丰富的资源和周密的规划。……[详细介绍] ...
Dynasty of the Sands Game Story Summary An Ancient Egyptian city building game. Build a paradise along the banks of the river Nile. Construct your mighty Pyramid as an everlasting monument to your Dynasty. But be careful Pharaoh, for such a feat, you’ll have to manage your people, your...
Be the architect of your own Egyptian empire in this meditative survival city builder, where every decision, no matter how small, has lasting consequences. Survive alongside your people, expand your influence across the Nile and create a grand Dynasty to
,Sign In to follow. FollowDynasty of the Sands, and we'll let you know when we have any news, trailers, or screenshots. Dynasty of the Sands Coming2025 PC Developed by: Rocket Flair Studios Published by: Playside Studios Genre(s): ...