IndexName The name of the local secondary index. The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table. Type: String Length Constraints: Minimum length of 3. Maximum length of 255. Pattern:[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ Required: Yes
AwsDynamoDbTableLocalSecondaryIndex AwsDynamoDbTableProjection AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughput AwsDynamoDbTableProvisionedThroughputOverride AwsDynamoDbTableReplica AwsDynamoDbTableReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndex AwsDynamoDbTableRestoreSummary AwsDynamoDbTableSseDescription AwsDynamoDbTableStreamSpecification A...
Local Secondary Index Amazon DynamoDB Local Secondary Indexes (LSI) are a feature that allows you to efficiently query data in DynamoDB tables using an alternate sort key, in addition to the primary key. Unlike Global Secondary Indexes (GSI), which provide flexibility to query on different attri...
现在,您可以使用Amazon DynamoDB控制台或更新表API/CLI 来删除全局二级索引,即使正在创建期间也可以删除。在此之前,无法取消创建全局二级索引——这些索引只能在完成构建时被删除。这样如果不再需要全局二级索引或者想要具有不同属性投影的新的全局二级索引,这样就可以为您节省时间。要了解更多信息...
aws dynamodbupdate-table\--table-name date-time-test \--attribute-definitions AttributeName=Location,AttributeType=S AttributeName=DT,AttributeType=S \--global-secondary-index-updates '[{"Create":{"IndexName":"loc-dt-gsi","KeySchema":[{"AttributeName":"Location","KeyType":"HASH"},{"A...
Global secondary indexes Global secondary indexes give us the ability to create entirely new hash or hash/range indexes for a table from other attributes. As with local secondary indexes, we can choose which table attributes to project into an index. These indexes are useful...
DynamoDB allows you to run a query on non-primary key attributes usingglobal secondary indexesandlocal secodnary index. Local Secondary Index Must be created when creating the table Same partition key and different sort key to your table
Disabling the inconsistentRead option for reads from the Model, LocalSecondaryIndex, or enabling the bypassCache option for reads from the GlobalSecondaryIndex can bypass the query cache to retrieve more recent results.Blind WritesBlind updates write a row to the DB without reading it first. This...
The document configuration is a bit more complex. To query the log documents we’ll use two indexes, one will be the timestamp and the other the status of the log, the latter of which is set as a global secondary index. The global secondary index also includes a projection attribute. Th...
Secondary Indexes Per Table − Five local and five global are permitted. Projected Secondary Index Attributes Per Table − DynamoDB allows 20 attributes. Partition Key Length and Values − Their minimum length sits at 1 byte, and maximum at 2048 bytes, however, DynamoDB places no limit on...