Westlife - Dynamite
《李秀贤 - Dynamite(original song BTS)》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Sing song when I’m walking home 回家的途中唱起歌 Jump up to the top LeBron 腾起而飞 Ding dong call me on my phone 叮咚的电话铃声。Ice tea and a game of ping pong 冰茶和乒乓球游戏 This is getting heavy 一切愈来愈沉重 Can you hear the bass boom, I’m ready 你是否能...
BTS(防弹少年团) - Dynamite
“Pop Song”Radio排行榜是Billboard引用尼尔森音乐和MRC数据来统计每周一至周日广播的播放次数后发表的榜单,去年4月发行的《Boy With Luv(Feat. Halsey)》在发行首周获得了该榜第35位,此次《Dynamite》仅三天时间的播出次数就刷新了自身最高纪录。此外,自21日《Dynamite》获得Sportify“Global 50”排行榜第一后...
Sing song when I'm walking home Jump up to the top lebron Ding dong call me on my phone Ice tea and a game of ping pong This is getting heavy Can you hear the bass boom I'm ready Life is sweet as honey Yeah this beat cha ching like money Disco overload I'm into that I'm ...