The aim of this research was to develop a numerical 3-D glacier model which computes the evolution of glaciers and ice sheets by taking into account the longitudinal stresses. It is based on the mechanical algorithm introduced by Blatter (1995). In the first paper "Numerical modelling of ...
34 3 Large-scale dynamics of ice sheets 3.1 Constitutive equations for polycrystalline ice 3.1.1 Microstructure of ice The modification of H2O ice which exists under the pressure and temperature conditions encountered in ice sheets and glaciers is called ice Ih. It forms hexagonal crystals, that ...
Geological Survey of Canada Paper 66-26 (1966)View more references Cited by (43) Ice streams in the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Identification, characteristics and comparison to modern ice sheets 2015, Earth-Science Reviews Citation Excerpt : It is yet to be resolved whether they correlate with the ...
Ice Movement and Temperature Distribution in Glaciers and Ice Sheets The distribution of temperature throughout an ice sheet has been considered, taking into account the influence of ice movement as well as other items previously considered, such as conduction, the geothermal outflow of heat and hea...
signatures snowpack accumulation melt large flow feature snow/ A9385 Instrumentation and techniques for geophysical, hydrospheric and lower atmosphere research A9240V Glaciers and ice sheets A9330K Islands B7710D Oceanographic and hydrological techniques and equipment B6320 Radar equipment, systems and ...
Ice sheet dynamics This section highlights research that examines the dynamics of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets to better understand their potential contribution to future sea-level rise. These studies examine the processes that drive ice sheet melting and instability in past, present or ...
The mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet is nearly equally partitioned between a decrease in surface mass balance from enhanced surface melt and an increase in ice dynamics from the acceleration and retreat of its marine-terminating glaciers. Much uncertainty remains in the future mass loss of ...
2001).Icesheetshavetakentensofthousandsofyearstoformandwehave grownaccustomedtotheconservativeviewthattheymaychangewitheternal slowness.TheobservationalrecordofAntarcticglaciersisshortandlimited becausehumanshaveseldomvisitedmanyAntarcticglaciers(Swithinbanketal. ...
(1987b) Sliding of cold ice sheets. In: The Physical Basis of Ice Sheet Modelling. IAHS Publ. 170, 131–143. Google Scholar Lliboutry, L. and P. Duval (1985) Various isotropic and anisotropic ices found in glaciers and polar ice caps and their corresponding rheologies. Annales ...
S. B. Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves. In: Colbeck, S. C. eds. (1980) Dynamics of Snow and Ice Masses. Academic Press, New York, pp. 1-78Colbeck, S. editor . 1980 . Dynamics of Snow and Ice Masses. London: Academic Press.