identities beyond this limiting binary. These procedures resulted in gender annotations for 85% of records; faculty without name–gender annotations were not included in analyses of gender but were included in all other analyses. Comparing data collected in adjacent years, we also annotated all instan...
In other words, the cumulative perpetual grand total for the previous shift of the same register, plus the total amount of sales, including tax, for the shift, minus the absolute value of the total amount of returns, including tax, for the shift. PerpetualGrandTotalAbsoluteValue The cumulative...
Section 5 of the VAT declaration represents VAT amounts that are deductible in the reporting period, for export sales where a rate of 0 percent was either confirmed or unconfirmed in previous periods. (In other words, this section represents "later" deductions of VAT amounts.) Data is grouped...
as in Equation 11. Instead, the solution is found via composition of transformations on the state; in other words, each component is a step that takes a field as input, and produces a new field as output. We can define an operator ...
Finally, we asked whether the functional connection between the frontoparietal and the default-mode system accounts for the variance in behavioral performance even after regressing out the effects of the activity of subnetwork (A)? In other words, is the relationship between functional connectivity ...
In other words, these robots still have a long way to go. Anderson Cooper: I mean, it's not C3PO. It-- it's not-- a thinking-- Marc Raibert: Yeah. So let me tell you-- Anderson Cooper: Okay. Marc Raibert: About that. There's a cognitive intelligence and an athletic intelligence...
checkInDate date-time 宿泊滞在のチェックイン日。 checkOutDate checkOutDate date-time 宿泊滞在のチェックアウト日。 reservationConfirmed reservationConfirmed boolean 予約が確認されたかどうかを示す True/False 値。 membershipDetails membershipDetails string 顧客のメンバーシップ ステー...
It should be noted that a player is updated once on average in time \(N\). Because the zealots always select \(A\), the Moran process ends up with the unanimous population of \(A\) players (we impose \(a>0\) for this to be true). In other words, fixation of \(A\) always...
In other words, we need to create a diagnostic message to let the user know about the transgression of the rule. As noted before, it is important to call the base implementation of your visitor, which will then call visitor methods for all the nodes that are contained in the method. H...
Note If overhead expenses were set in the purchase order, they must be allocated.After you post the customs journal, you can add only overhead expenses that don't increase the customs cost of the products on the purchase order line or invoice line from the customs journal. In other words...