通过开发工具来查看,CRM Site 已经存在这个 Api 请求的接口了,由于我们还没有对 Action 绑定任何 logic,因此输出为 null。 四、新建一个 Plugin 接下来我们通过 plugin 来给这个 Action 绑定一些功能逻辑。 通过Visual Studio 创建一个 Plugin Project,并添加一个 Plugin Class。 Note:找不到相关新建项时,请在管...
Plug-in assembly does not contain the required types or assembly content cannot be updated 这段话的意思是说你所注册的插件DLL包含的类少于Crm里面已有的类的数量。一般是因为自己在写插件的时候把自己的类删掉了,没有把插件里面注册的类unregister。 解决方案:对比插件注册里面已经注册的类和自己写的类是否有...
项目类型选择 Dynamics CRM 2011 Plug-in Library,我这里命名为AutoNumberPlugin,然后点击 确定 按钮。这个项目会自动产生一个Plugin.cs文件然后需要为插件进行签名。右击刚才新增的项目AutoNumberPlugin,选择属性。在属性窗口中,从左边的导航中选择 签名 这个导航项,选中 为程序集签名 前面的复选框,在 选择强名称密钥...
pluginpackage EntityTypeReference Feedback Namespace: Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM Entity set path: [organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/pluginpackages Base type: crmbaseentity Table type: Standard Display name: Plugin Package Primary key: pluginpackageid Primary name column: name Operations supported:...
This setting is NOT SUPPORTED IN CRM2013 as of build 809 5.0.9690.3731 N/A N/A allowRoleAssignmentOnDisabledUsers False Boolean Enables the assignment of a security role for user accounts with a disabled status. This allows for scenarios where stub users can...
Namespace: Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM Stage in the execution pipeline that a plug-in is to execute.Entity set path: [organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/sdkmessageprocessingsteps Base type: crmbaseentity Table type: Standard Display name: Sdk Message Processing Step Primary key: sdkmessageprocessing...
Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM Updates the automated plugin and corresponding SdkMessageProcessingStep Parameters Parameters allow for data to be passed to the action. NameTypeNullableUnicodeDescription SolutionUniqueName Edm.StringTrueFalse Unique Name of Solution ...
Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM Updates the instant plugin and corresponding custom api. Parameters Parameters allow for data to be passed to the action. NameTypeNullableUnicodeDescription Context Edm.StringTrueFalse SolutionUniqueName Edm.StringTrueFalse
Samlade uppdateringspaket för Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 server, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0-klienten för Microsoft Office Outlook och Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 e-postroutern build-nummer är 4.0.7333.3018.Filnamn för 32-bitarsversioner av samlade uppdateringspaket är ...
Project status All main operations are working (but still use carefully on production environments!); Azure-related code was stripped away; Plugin might 'freeze' for couple seconds during calls to CRM backend (user should be notified about operation performed inXrmToolBox-like way); ...