alternate key是个什么东西这里就不解释了如果有不知道的可以去看sdk。这里以房号信息实体为例,新建一个键叫做房号Id,这个房号id在crm中对应的是new_roomid这个文本字段,会和第三方系统的某张表的主键关联。 键值建好后来看下代码,这里返回的json格式和通过实体guid查出来的返回json格式是一样的,而url上的区别就...
url: Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/api/data/v8.0/systemusers(" + userId.replace('{', '').replace('}', '') + ")", success: function (data, textStatus, XmlHttpRequest) { appellation = data.lastname + data.firstname + '-' + data.salutation; }, error: function (XmlHttp...
alternate key是个什么东西这里就不解释了如果有不知道的可以去看sdk。这里以房号信息实体为例,新建一个键叫做房号Id,这个房号id在crm中对应的是new_roomid这个文本字段,会和第三方系统的某张表的主键关联。 键值建好后来看下代码,这里返回的json格式和通过实体guid查出来的返回json格式是一样的,而url上的区别就...
CRM2016启用了webapi 而弃用了odata,作为码农的我们又开始学习新东西了。 下面是一段简单的查询代码,通过systemuser的primary key来查询一条记录 Web API查询方式 var userId = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("ownerid").getValue()[0].id; var appellation; $.ajax({ async: false, type: "GET", contentType: "a...
Download Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 by choosing from the list of in the files section. Once the software has downloaded and upon installation you will need to apply the commercial license key. License keys are available for customers on the Product and Service Summary page, which customers can ...
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 更新和修补程序 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 更新和修补程序 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 更新和修补程序 注意 若要在 Windows 客户端上使用 OrgDBOrgSettingsTool,必须安装 Windows Identity Foundation 3.5。 此外,还需要匹配已安装的汇总中提供的工具版本。
例如: <licenseKey>XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX</licenseKey> 备注 如果通过 Microsoft 批量许可计划购买 Microsoft Dynamics 365,将在 license.txt 文件中提供生产密钥。 该 license.txt 文件包含在 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 安装文件中。<WebsiteUrl Create="true"/"false" port="TCPportnumber">路径<...
If you have manually added the ignorechecks registry subkey on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server, remove it before you start the upgrade. More information:You cannot deploy Microsoft Dynamics CRM by using an account that does not have local administrator permissions on Microsoft SQL Server ...
Download Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2016. This download also includes Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions. After the download is complete, run Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup. During the setup, you may insert a valid commercial product key or use one of the following 90-day trial k...
Download Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2016. This download also includes Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions. After the download is complete, run Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup. During the setup, you may insert a valid commercial product key or use one of the following 90-day trial k...