三种分别是1、CrmConnection 2、普通的方式(姑且这么叫吧,因为这是最常用的) 3、web api static void Main(string[] args) { string result = ""; #region CrmConnection效率 DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now; OrganizationService org = new OrganizationService(new CrmConnection("crm")); DateTime dt8 = Date...
Dynamics CRM2016 时间字段属性中的新增行为 之前的博客中有特地介绍过CRM中的时间字段以及它在不同的应用场景中涉及的时制转换,而CRM2016又给时间字段添加了新的行为,具体见下属截图,简单介绍下每个图中对应的行为的意思,最后会做demo来具体演示。 下图和之前的版本时间一样,带时制 下图是仅限日期,当行为选择仅限...
比stringmap更靠谱获取optionset信息的是官方的例子(Example: Retrieve metadata items by name),比如: https://demo.luoyong.me/api/data/v9.1/EntityDefinitions(LogicalName='account')/Attributes(LogicalName='accountcategorycode')/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.PicklistAttributeMetadata?$select=LogicalName&$expand=Opt...
http://lycrmvm.cloudapp.net:5555/Demo/api/data/v8.0 截图显示如下,应该是每个实体一条记录,每条记录的kind属性值都为EntitySet,url属性的值就是访问该实体的部分url,name属性据我观察是实体的逻辑名称的复数形式。 第二个url就是查看某个实体的记录用到的,比如 http://lycrmvm.cloudapp.net:5555/Demo/api...
8、Sales Productivity vNext Value Proposition and Pitch FRI: Sales Productivity vNext Demo FRI: Service | Dynamics CRM: User Experience DemoPreview SignupAll Field Call (9/1)NDA Lift (9/8)What is coming Autumn Wave(for Partners 9/8) Blitz (Oct 27, 29)FRI: CRM Autumn Wave 2015 Themes...
7/27/2016 File Name: PSADemoData.EXE File Size: 13.4 MB To become familiar with the project service automation capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, it’s useful to have a pre-configured environment to explore. For this purpose, we’ve created a separate managed solution that makes it easi...
Puede descargar la ultima version del roadmap de CRM 2011 desde Partner Source Saludos. Pablo V.Date: 05/09/2011Videos de CRM 2011Quieres ver videos con multiples funcionalidades de Dynamics CRM 2011? www.democrmonline.com...Date: 05/08/2011...
發行項 2016/03/10 Want to learn about some of the capabilities Dynamics CRM offers in six industries?To learn more in an easy to digest fashion you can watch a narrated demo, and/or test drive the solution in an interactive demo. The demos can be streamed or downloaded for later consu...
Some time ago at the Convergence conference in Copenhagen, Ben Riga on the team showed a demo of our Dynamics CRM product during the keynote. While I do not typically show off demos on here, I thought that this one was really interesting for a few reasons :- ...
Building A CRM Demo For Financial Services (Part 1)Bring Him Home… For more than 6 years I have been selling Microsoft Dynamics CRM to a wide...Date: 08/15/2012Demo Outlook Client Not ConnectingI Dreamed A Dream… The other day, one of my colleagues rebuilt their demo laptop with our...