A sweep through a quantum phase transition by means of a time-dependent external parameter (e.g., pressure) entails non-equilibrium phenomena associated with a break-down of adiabaticity: At the critical point, the energy gap vanishes and the response time diverges (in the thermodynamic limit)...
Nonequilibrium phase transitions can also occur on transient time scales with physical quantities becom...
Recently, dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs) particularly gather great attention as a nonequilibrium counterpart of equilibrium phase transition, which occurs for transient times of quantum relaxation10,11. Defined as the singularity of the so-called dynamical free energy (especially at critical...
The analogy between an equilibrium partition function and the return probability in many-body unitary dynamics has led to the concept of dynamical quantum phase transition (DQPT). DQPTs are defined by nonanalyticities in the return amplitude and are present in many models. In some cases, DQPTs...
We illustrate how dynamical transitions in nonlinear semiclassical models can be recognized as phase transitions in the corresponding—inherently linear—quantum model, where, in a statistical-mechanics framework, the thermodynamic limit is realized by letting the particle population go to infinity at ...
Phase transitions have recently been formulated in the time domain of quantum many-body systems, a phenomenon dubbed dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs), whose phenomenology is often divided in two types. One refers to distinct phases according to long-time averaged order parameters, while ...
There are other smaller paradigm shifts in con- densed matter physics, which resulted somehow less conflictive, produced by the need to explain quantum phase transitions. We can mention superconductivity (from current carried by sin- gle electrons to Cooper's pairs), localization and mesoscopic ...
We report the discovery of a novel topological quantum number, represented by a momentum space winding number of the Pancharatnam geometric phase, that is dynamically defined and can change its integer value at discrete times where so called dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs) occur. By ...
combinatorics and finitary arithmetic-Chi Tat Chong 1:00:39 国际基础科学大会-Ghosts on the way to a gravity QFT-Robert Holdom 53:51 国际基础科学大会-Energy Operator in Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory 1:06:36 国际基础科学大会-Phenomenological consequences of phase transitions happened......
INTRODUCTIONMany-body systems with non-reciprocal interactionsemerge in contexts ranging from neuroscience [1–3] andsocial networks [4–6] to ecology [7–10] and open quantumsystems [11–13]. These systems exhibit rich collectivebehavior including time-dependent states that can arisebecause the ...