而我要分享给你的网站,就是单独为 macOS 提供动态壁纸的站点 「Dynamic Wallpaper Club」。 「Dynamic Wallpaper Club」站内目前发布了包含 15 个分类近 60 张动态壁纸,质量非常高,还有部分 5K 分辨率壁纸可供选择。如果你喜欢 DIY ,「Dynamic Wallpaper Club」同样提供了制作功能。 分享几张我最喜欢的壁纸。
Dynamic Wallpaper Club 上面有不少制作好的动态壁纸,可以免费下载。 壁纸制作 Dynamic Wallpaper Club 拥有一个简单灵活的动态壁纸制作引擎,所有人都可以轻松使用。 让我们一起来制作一个动态壁纸。 第一步,注册登录 可以用 Email 注册 Dynamic Wallpaper Club 的账号,填写邮箱密码,并在邮箱中点击验证链接即可。 第...
Dynamic Wallpaper Club Mac 动态壁纸美爆了,还有5K 分辨率可选 Dynamic Wallpaper是一款Mac平台上的动态壁纸应用程序,它让用户可以使用动态壁纸来为自己的桌面增添一些活力。这个软件可以使用几乎任何类型的动态视频或者图片,包括GIF、MOV、MP4等等,并且支持高清晰度的视频和超过24小时的时间长度。 Dynamic Wallp...
With Dynamic Wallpaper Club, your wallpaper can never be boring! Not only does it offer a wide selection of new dynamic wallpapers for free that is updated daily by the contributions from their community, but you also have the exciting option to create your dynamic wallpaper yourself. And if...
分享一个Mac 动态壁纸网站:Dynamic Wallpaper Club,自macOS Mojave 10.14 开始支持随时间而变化的桌面背景,自带的 Mojave 沙漠壁纸并不能满足你的话,那么你可以从这个动态壁纸网站自己制作或者下载别人已发布的壁纸(支持5K分辨率),地址见评论 ...
If you like Dynamic Wallpaper, check out theThe Dynamic Wallpaper Club, a site that allows you to create and share Dynamic Wallpaper for macOS. Dynamic Desktop Club The site offers steps to make the process easy. Keep in mind that you’ll need a minimum of four high-quality images/photo...
Dynamic Wallpaper Club AppSo 从手机到电脑,这 6 个 App 帮你轻松自制超美动态壁纸 无论你朝九晚五还是 996,都能找适合的动态壁纸。 姚莹 2019-07-29 12:30 400
You may also want to use wallpapers fromDynamic Wallpaper Club. To do so, you need to convert.heicimage file to either png or jpg format. Download a.heicwallpaper file you like and follow the steps below to convert images. First installheif-converton your system - ...
Dynamic Wallpaper Club. A lot of user-created wallpapers. Unfortunately, many of them are of mediocre quality. Only a handful makes use of the sun position schedule (which is the best part of the whole concept to me), and those which do, usually do it poorly. ...