kinematic a. 运动学的,运动学上的 viscosity n. 1.【术】黏稠;黏性 2.粘质;粘性 dynamic adj. 1. 有活力的,强有力的 2. 不断变化的 3. 动力的,动态的 4. 充满活力的;精力充沛的 5. 发展变化的 6. 效率高的;精悍的;有生气的;能动的 7. 动力学的; dynamic(al) a.机能上的 viscosity ...
Dynamic和Kinematic这两个术语在流体动力学中常常被提及,它们似乎被许多人视为同义词。实际上,这两个词描述的是黏性度量的不同方面。Dynamic viscosity,也称为绝对黏度,是核心概念之一。它直接衡量流体内部阻碍其流动的阻力,通常以泊肃叶(Pa·s)为单位。这种黏度描述的是流体的内在属性,即它抵抗剪...
“Dynamic Viscosity”是动力粘度,又称为绝对粘度、剪切粘度。“Kinematic Viscosity”是运动粘度,它的值...
(1)动力黏度( Dynamic Viscosity)它是液体在一定剪切应力下流动时内摩擦的量度.其定义为 所加于流动液体的剪切应力与剪切速率之比,用符号 Ƞ 表示.其法定计量单位为 Pa∙s 或 mPa∙s. (2)运动黏度( Kinematic Viscosity)定义为液体的动力黏度与其同温度下的密度之比,用符号 v 表示.其法定计量单位为㎡/...
The kinematic viscosity ν (ν = "nu") is the dynamic viscosity of the medium η divided by its density ρ. Equation: ν = η / ρ SI unit of kinematic viscosity: [ν] = m²/s Other units for kinematic viscosity Informal but frequently used units are Stokes (St) and Centistokes ...
以"Dynamic Viscosity"为例,它指的是“动力粘度”,又称为绝对粘度或剪切粘度,描述流体在剪切力作用下流动的阻力程度。这在流体力学中尤为重要,用于评估流体内部摩擦的性质。相比之下,“Kinematic Viscosity”则是“运动粘度”,其数值等同于动力粘度除以流体的密度。这一指标是理解流体流动特性的重要...
Kinematic Viscosity Kinematic viscosity is the ratio of- absolute (or dynamic) viscosity to density- a quantity in which no force is involved. Kinematic viscosity can be obtained by dividing the absolute viscosity of a fluid with the fluid mass density like ...
Whiledynamic viscosityandkinematic viscosityare considered the physical property of a bulk material in its absolute physical sense,IVreveals many interesting chemical characteristics of the molecules in an isolated state. Measured at much diluted concentrations (normally <0.1%, w/v), IV leads to inform...
This viscosity measurement was given the term kinematic. The formula for kinematic viscosity is 1 centistoke (cSt) equals 1 millimeter squared per second (mm2/s). This is a rate of flow. It is the time it takes to have a known amount of fluid flow a given distance. There is no ...