SQL Server数据库内置的 动态管理视图DMV和函数DMF,通过监视服务器实例的运行状况、诊断故障以及优化性能的服务器状态信息,可用于进行故障诊断、性能调优和状态监控等。DMV 和DMF 保存在 sys_schema 中,以dm_xx开头, 有服务器和数据库范围两种类型,因此,要查询这些范围内的 DMV&DMF**, 用户需要有 VIEW SERVER/DAT...
What is SQL Server? Connect to the Database Engine What's new? Editions and features Release notes Business continuity Database design Development Internals & Architecture Installation Migrate & load data Manage, monitor, & tune Query data
Applies to: SQL ServerThis section documents dynamic management views (DMV) that are associated with SQL Server Operating System (SQLOS). SQLOS is responsible for managing operating system resources that are specific to SQL Server.sys....
MSdynamicsnapshotviews 數據表會追蹤快照集代理程式所建立的所有暫存篩選數據快照集檢視,並在 SQL Server Agent 或 快照集代理程式 異常關機的情況下,由系統用來清除檢視表。 此數據表會儲存在發行集和訂閱資料庫中。展開資料表 資料行名稱資料類型描述 dynamic_snapshot_view_name sysname 暫存篩選數據快照集檢視...
point-in-time snapshot so if there are no pending I/O requests then the view will be empty. Note the io_pending column which indicates whether the I/O request is actually pending (io_pending = 1) or whether SQL Server just hasn't yet dealt with the completed request (io_pending = ...
sys.dm_exec_sql_text sys.dm_exec_trigger_stats sys.dm_exec_xml_handles sys.dm_external_script_requests Note The sys.dm_exec_query_transformation_stats dynamic management view is identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed.Feed...
本部分包含 SQL Server 扩展事件的以下动态管理对象。 sys.dm_xe_map_values (Transact-SQL) sys.dm_xe_object_columns (Transact-SQL) sys.dm_xe_objects (Transact-SQL) sys.dm_xe_packages (Transact-SQL) sys.dm_xe_session_event_actions (Transact-SQL) ...
This topic provides reference information on migrating dynamic SQL functionality from Microsoft SQL Server 2019 to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. You can use this guide to understand how to adapt your dynamic SQL queries and commands when transitioning to Pos
This update introduces a New Dynamic Management View (DMV) sys.dm_db_stats_histogram in Microsoft SQL Server 2016.
For each of the V$ views described in this chapter (with the exception of V$CACHE_LOCK, V$LOCK_ACTIVITY, V$LOCKS_WITH_COLLISIONS, and V$ROLLNAME), there is a GV$ view. In a parallel server environment, querying a GV$ view retrieves the V$ view information from all qualified instances....