Online calculator, figures and tables with dynamic (absolute) and kinematic viscosity for air at temperatures ranging -100 to 1600°C (-150 to 2900°F) and at pressures ranging 1 to 10 000 bara (14.5 - 145000 psia) - SI and Imperial Units.
Online calculator, figures and tables showing dynamic and kinematic viscosity of ethane, C2H6, at varying temperature and pressure - Imperial and SI Units
【英语版】国际标准 ISO 3104:2020 EN 石油产品——透明和不透明液体——运动粘度的测定和动力粘度的计算 Petroleum products — Transparent and opaque liquids — Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ...
SI unit of kinematic viscosity:[ν] = m²/s Other units for kinematic viscosity Informal but frequently used units are Stokes (St) and Centistokes (cSt). These do not correspond to the SI unit system (SI is the abbreviation of the French Système international d'unités): ...
英文名称:Petroleum products — Transparent and opaque liquids — Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity 标准状态:废止 发布日期:1994-10-06 文档简介 ISO3104:1994是一个关于石油产品的标准,它涉及到透明和不透明液体在运动时的粘度(viscosity)测定以及动态粘度的计算。
This paper examines the use of a micromachined resonating tube to measure both the dynamic viscosity and density of a fluid enabling the calculation of the kinematic viscosity. Dynamic viscosity is measured using the damping effect that a fluid has on the motion of the resonating tube. Fluid ...
Kinematic Viscosity of Air 空气的运动粘度 Prandtl Number Air 空气的普朗特尔数 The viscosity of air depends mostly on the temperature. At 15 °C, the viscosity of air is 1.81 × 10-5 kg/(m·s) , 18.1 μPa·s or 1.81 × 10-5 Pa·s . 空气的粘度主要取决于温度。在15℃时,空气的粘度...
kinematic a. 运动学的,运动学上的 viscosity n. 1.【术】黏稠;黏性 2.粘质;粘性 dynamic adj. 1. 有活力的,强有力的 2. 不断变化的 3. 动力的,动态的 4. 充满活力的;精力充沛的 5. 发展变化的 6. 效率高的;精悍的;有生气的;能动的 7. 动力学的; dynamic(al) a.机能上的 viscosity ...
Energy Finance Flow Rate Force Frequency Games Graphics Health Length & Distance Light Maps Math Music Power Pressure Speed Temperature Torque Viscosity Dynamic Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity Viscosity of Materials Viscosity of Oil Viscosity of Water Volume Weight & Mass Calcu...