Alternative for PIVOT Alternative of CURSOR in SQL to improve performance ? alternative query for in clause Alternative to Full Outer Join Alternative to Row_Number Query Alternative way STUFF for XML PATH ('') ? Am getting an error when i run this code Ambiguous Column Name An aggregate may...
) x pivot ( max(amount) for category in ('
示例1 Query to Return Select Product Data from AdventureWorks View Code 结果: 如果我们想要product_coor 在列里面显示每个产品的数量呢?这时候PIVOT就出场了 示例2:Common Use of PIVOT to Report on Products by Color View Code 结果: 从SQL中可以看出PIVOT有两个步骤 An aggregate function, which will agg...
Just for completion, let's see the same problem solved using PIVOT syntax: Copy DECLARE @MaxCount INT; SELECT @MaxCount = max(cnt) FROM ( SELECT Id ,count(Col_1) AS cnt FROM tblTest GROUP BY Id ) X; DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(max) ,@i INT; SET @i = 0; WHILE @i < @MaxCo...
+ ' Pivot (Count(Code) for Code in (' + @values + ')) as Pvt' Exec (@Query) Monday, December 11, 2006 11:34 AM Manivannan.D.Sekaran 12,905 Points 0 Sign in to vote To work on SQL Server 2000, Use the following query Select (Select count(Code) from WipAvailable where...
Deleted=0 order by LayoutPosition for xml path('') ), 1,1,'' ) SELECT @SumAssessments ='SUM('+Replace(@Assessments,'],[',']+[')+')' Set @PivotSQL= 'select *,'+@SumAssessments+' from ( SELECT Points, StudentID, LastName +'+''', '''+ '+ FirstName as display...
select distinct subjekt as subjekt from #StudMarks) K --select @col set @sql = ' select StudId, ' + @col + ' from (select StudId, subjekt, marks from #StudMarks)p PIVOT(MAX (marks) FOR subjekt IN ( ' + @col + ' ) ) AS pvt ORDER BY StudId' -- print @sql exec (@sql)...
Fiddle Schema:!9/92bc9/7 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Subject Views Written By Posted Pivot table with dynamic columns 6883 Aram Mirzadeh September 30, 2016 06:03PM Re: Pivot table with dynamic columns ...
SQL Server 2005 introduced the PIVOT operator as a syntax extension for table expression in the FROM clause. PIVOT, the relational operator is a T-Sql proprietary operator and is not part of ANSI SQL Standard. PIVOT operator structure Rotating(Pivoting) one table or table expression into another...
最近碰巧读到了关于sql server pivot 的两篇文章。详见: 1 Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns 2 Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs