SPLIT itab_sql-line AT space INTO select_key etc. IF select_key = 'SELECT'. MESSAGE i433 WITH 'Donot support select syntax!^~^'. stop. * hehe~~Don't bother myself. ELSEIF select_key = 'DELETE' OR select_key = 'UPDATE' OR select_key = 'INSERT'. update_flag = 'X'. ENDIF....
SPLIT itab_sql-line AT space INTO select_key etc. IF select_key = 'SELECT'. MESSAGE i433 WITH 'Donot support select syntax!^~^'. stop. * hehe~~Don't bother myself. ELSEIF select_key = 'DELETE' OR select_key = 'UPDATE' OR select_key = 'INSERT'. update_flag = 'X'. ENDIF....
0 Kudos 97 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, What is meant by dynamic selections in ABAP HR report using a LDB?Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2008 Dec 24 9:40 AM 0 Kudos 74 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, Refer to this link... Reply ...
packages = 'SAPBC_DATAMODEL' ). CATCH cx_abap_not_a_table. MESSAGE 'Database table not found' TYPE 'I' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. LEAVE PROGRAM. CATCH cx_abap_not_in_package. MESSAGE 'Only tables from the flight data model are allowed' ...
Dynamic Programming in ABAP - Part 1 - Introduction to Field Symbols Former Member 2017 Sep 05 8:42 AM 49 Kudos 222,896 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP Field symbol is a placeholder for data object, which points to the value pre...
REPORT z_cbo_abap_02 MESSAGE-ID zp NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. DATA : fcode LIKE sy-ucomm, changed LIKE s38e-buf_varied, save_tabix LIKE sy-tabix, tabix_count TYPE i, select_key(10) TYPE c, etc(80) TYPE c, update_flag TYPE c, ...
select * into TABLE itab from ('sflight' ) . loop at itab. WRITE : / itab-carrid. ENDloop . 表名可以动态化,条件也可以动态化。如 select * into TABLE itab from ('sflight' ) where ( where_str). 注意where_str是个内表,行类型是字符串。
In the below post you will find a basic example how to use cl_xslt_processor library. However it is really poorly documented, so I decided to dive deeper, test it a
CALL METHOD cl_abap_structdescr=》create EXPORTING p_components = lt_comp RECEIVING p_result = lr_struc. *根据动态结构创建动态内表类型 CALL METHOD cl_abap_tabledescr=》create EXPORTING p_line_type = lr_struc RECEIVING p_result = lr_table. ...
If the internal table is filled with fields mentioned in T_KEYFIELD, proceed further in updating. But for checking whether the respective entry is already present, you may need to write select statement again. Rather than that, you can use modify statement which will automatically modify if ...