DynamicSearchAdsSetting对象具有以下元素:DomainName、DynamicDescriptionEnabled、Language、PageFeedIds、Source。 展开表 元素说明数据类型 DomainName与广告要定位的页面对应的网站名称。 域的最大长度为 2,048 个字符。 无需包含http、https或www前缀。string ...
Campaign.DynamicSearchAdsSetting Campaign.GeoTargetTypeSetting Campaign.HotelSettingInfo Campaign.LocalCampaignSetting Campaign.LocalServicesCampaignSettings Campaign.NetworkSettings Campaign.OptimizationGoalSetting Campaign.PerformanceMaxUpgrade Campaign.SelectiveOptimization Campaign.ShoppingSetting Campaign.TrackingSetting Cam...
动态搜索广告只能在具有DynamicSearchAdsSetting 的搜索市场活动中创建。 无法设置市场活动的ExperimentId元素,并且AdGroupType必须设置为“SearchDynamic”。 备注 不能再添加、更新或检索仅支持动态搜索广告的市场活动。 现有市场活动的市场活动类型已从“DynamicSearchAds”更新为“搜索”。 广告组现在被视为“动态”广告...
3.对于子类型,卖家要选择标准展示广告“Standard display campaign”选项。 4.对于剩下的广告设置部分,与其他的Display Network广告活动没有什么区别。 但卖家需要在设置“Setting”中找到一个“Dynamic ads”部分,点击“Use dynamic ads feed for personalized ads”前面的复选框,而后会出现一个选项框,如下图所示: ...
Smaller Advertisers– As with AdWords Express (or any advertising option, really) creating a dynamic search ads campaign might make sense if your spend is small, the campaign you create leveraging this technology is ROI efficient, and the management cost of setting up your own campaign would be...
Given their copy number differences and unique modes of inheritance, the evolved gene content and expression of sex chromosomes is unusual. In many organisms the X and Y chromosomes are inactivated in spermatocytes, possibly as a defense mechanism agains
As announced in a previous blog post, dynamic search ads can be created within search campaigns via the use of ad group type. Within a search campaign, you now have the option to create a standard ad... UpdatedJun 12, 2021 Version 1.0 ...
Music visualizer can now use album cover color or white color. Please reselect visualizer setting! • Added popup border • Visualizer optimized • Translations updated • Fixes & optimizations Mod Info Premium Unlocked No Ads Go to Downloads ...
the token with the highest attention score is sampled according to 70% of the total number of tokens in the search region and the remaining 30% is discarded as negative tokens. One limitation of the fixed sampling ratio for setting dynamic tokens is that the tracker needs to be retrained if...
Win32_PowerSettingDataIndex class (Windows) Win32_ProgIDSpecification class (Windows) Functions Functions MSMQ Glossary: R Interfaces Specifying Message Queuing Search Criteria IFolderView2 IShellImageDataFactory SynchronizedReadOnlyCollection.System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.Item Property (System.Collections...