Symbol names, dependency names, and other strings required by the runtime linker reside in this table. See String Table Section. DT_SYMTAB The address of the symbol table. See Symbol Table Section. DT_RELA The address of a relocation table. See Relocation Sections. An object file can ...
r = 0; /* cannot apply 64bit relocation to 32bit value */ sr->data_offset = sr->sh_size = r; #ifdef CONFIG_TCC_PIE if (r && 0 == (s->sh_flags & SHF_WRITE)) tcc_warning("%d relocations to ro-section %s", (unsigned)(r / sizeof *qrel), s->name); ...
For consistency, files do not contain relocation entries to ``correct'' addresses in the dynamic structure. To make it simpler for tools to interpret the contents of dynamic section entries, the value of each tag, except for those in two special compatibility ranges, will determine the ...
On an Amd64 processor where a library was not compiled with -fPIC, this will cause an error such as: "relocation R_X86_64_32 against `...' can not be used when making a shared object;" To test that you have built PIE executable, install scanelf, part of paxutils, and use: scanel...
Symbol names, dependency names, and other strings required by the runtime linker reside in this table. See String Table Section. DT_SYMTAB The address of the symbol table. See Symbol Table Section. DT_RELA The address of a relocation table. See Relocation Sections. An object file can ...
and it is re-positioned in the predicted structure.dAlpha helices near the binding site transform into loops, aligning with the crystal structure.eThe alpha helix of Hsp90 experiences a considerable relocation.fTwo domains coalesce, thereby forming the binding pocket. Source data are provided as a...
In this section, we will provide a comprehensive and detailed introduction to the presented system. First and foremost, we will give an overview of the proposed system. Then, we will provide a brief introduction to the semantics-guided module, which we have incorporated into the improved system...
number to the stack (I.E. 0): An index, which serves as the index of the relocation in the.rel.pltsection, is used to calculate the requested entry in the GOT (GOT[index+3]—the first three indexes are reserved to addresses related to the dynamic linker as seen in the illustration)...
Each time one of these addresses is used in the code, the linker creates an entry in that section’s corresponding relocation section. This entry contains the relocation type, that determines how the real address should be calculated, and the location of the code that needs to be updated ...
The stack and heap are randomly located by default but this allows the code section to be randomly located as well. On an Amd64 processor where a library was not compiled with -fPIC, this will cause an error such as: "relocation R_X86_64_32 against `...' can not be used when makin...