Human emotions fluctuate over time. However, it is unclear how these shifting emotional states influence the organization of episodic memory. Here, we examine how emotion dynamics transform experiences into memorable events. Using custom musical pieces a
One of the model parameters, the self-transition bias kappa, was set to match the median syllable duration with the median approximate change point of each dataset identified using a filtered derivative algorithm (κ = 5). To qualitatively verify behavioral syllables, we manually assessed the...
This occurs because OP disengages too late when the brake is pressed and the user ends up fighting with OP for the right brake position. This fix detects brake pressure sooner so that OP disengages sooner so that the condition is significantly reduced. If you are on another model and this...
Here, the bias voltage is applied as 52 V to ensure the varistor diodes in each row are operated at “On” states with the resistance of about 150 Ω. Both the simulated and experimental results manifest the conspicuous reconstructing images of “L” and “R” at the observing plane....
Peak moments (PMs) were determined unilaterally during maximum concentric and eccentric knee flexion (prone) and extension (supine position) at 0.53, 1.57 and 2.62 rad 路 s -1 . A repeated measure, ANOVA, confirmed systematic bias. Intra-class correlation coefficients and standard errors of ...
Bias-Free Language Bias-Free Language The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, ...
They reported evidence for dynamic, object-centered inhibition of return (IOR)—that is, coding of inhibition following a peripheral cue in coordinates that move with the previously cued object, providing a dynamic bias against reattending to that object. The present experiments used a ...
To achieve this, we transform the previous kth frame’s point cloud pi∈Sk into the current local coordinate system S0 by the relative position Tk0 between the odometry to compensate for self-motion. The transformation is as follows: (1)Sk→0=Tk0pi|pi∈Sk Therefore, as shown in Fig. 2...
Proteins undergo conformational changes that can occur across a range of time scales upon binding with small-molecule ligands. A negative Δpocket RMSD indicates the predicted structure has a lower RMSD with the ground truth relative to the AlphaFold structure. A negative Δclash implies that the ...
a mutation of the poly-U binding peak at position 94,971,529 on chromosome 12 resulted in a significant reduction of binding in this local region, leading to a risk of breast and lung tumor; in transcriptENST00000533549of K562 cells shown in Fig.8c, the SNV mutation associated with large...