Dynamic range photography is the right balance between dark and light image. Adjust your f-stop to capture High Dynamic Range photography.
Dynamic range in photography describes the ratio between the maximum and minimum measurable light intensities (white and black, respectively). In the real world, one never encounters true white or black — only varying degrees of light source intensity and subject reflectivity. Therefore the concept ...
You’ve almost certainly heard of the concept of “stops” somewhere in photography, and perhaps you’ve heard it in the context of dynamic range. As we mentioned before, it is often advertised for cameras where a sensor can be said to have a range of 13 or 15 stops of light. Sometime...
Learn about dynamic range in photography and why it matters. Understand how it is used when taking photos. Explore dynamic range for both the...
In photography, the "dynamic range" is the difference between the darkest and lightest tones in an image, generally pure black and pure white. It’s more often used to talk about the maximum dynamic range a camera is capable of. Related:What Is a "Stop" in Photography?
Understanding Dynamic Range in Digital Photography人眼与相机可对比的参数(动态范围、高感...)以上 相关...
High dynamic range (HDR) images open up a world of possibilities because they can represent the entire dynamic range of the visible world. Because all the luminance values in a real-world scene are represented proportionately and stored in an HDR image, adjusting the exposure of an HDR image ...
HDR(High Dynamic Range Imaging)在摄影中指高动态范围成像。国内的教程基本语焉不详,找到一篇比较详尽的国外教程翻译出来,希望对大家有帮助。^_^ 原文地址:http://photo.tutsplus.com/tutorials/hdr/how-to-shoot-and-post-process-professional-hdr-photos-in-one-day/ ...
Stretch your camera’s dynamic range with High Dynamic Range photography. HDR photography involves taking multiple exposures of the same image while adjusting the f-stop on your camera. (The f-stop regulates the amount of light that passes through your lens.) It’s best to use a tripod so ...
动态范围是指相机可接收并产生响应的亮度输入的最大与最小之比 不考虑时间上的变化如暗适应就静态图像...