SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I could not undetstand your requirement very well but I will try, so you save the layout for 2 screens with radio buttons 1 Radio button has selections screens with layout. 2.Radio button has selections screens with layout. if you choose 1,...
There are several ways to create dynamic file names at the receiver adapter in SAP PI/PO. In this example, we will discuss how to create a dynamic file name at the receiver file channel using a User Defined Function (UDF). Filename creation with UDF is a great way when the file name ...
PUBLIC SECTION . TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_vrm_values , KEY TYPE char40 , text TYPE char80 , END OF ty_vrm_values . TYPES : tt_vrm_values TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_vrm_values WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_config , KEY TYPE char10 , desc TYPE char50 , dynnr TYPE sy -dy...
To make changes to the structure of a view layout, you must use the method WDDOMODIFYVIEW (or a method called within it).For a complete list of all UI element classes and their methods, refer to the reference part of this documentation....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development set the default to 'X'. parameters p_param radiobutton group grp default 'X'. Rishi Hi, i did that but still all the input fields are enabled when i run the program and to disable or enable the fields based on radio button selection i have to select...
*程序执行直接进入ABAP代码编辑器 SET PF-STATUS 'PFSTA00'. WRITE: /1 'Edit Your SQL ...' COLOR 2. AT USER-COMMAND. *动态生成程序修改确认 IF sy-ucomm = 'EDIT'. PERFORM editor_sql. *动态生成程序执行 ELSEIF sy-ucomm = 'EXEC' OR sy-ucomm = 'EDEX'. REFRESH itab_prog. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) In the below post you will find a basic example how to use cl_xslt_processor library. However it is really poorly documented, so I decided to dive deeper, test it a little bit and let you know how...
1. 获取DDIC中的table,view.structure的结构的每个字段。 FORM get_components_ddic USING p_name TYPE any CHANGING pt_component TYPE abap_component_tab. DATA : lrf_linetype TYPE ...
Changing Aggreations After using the Button in most of the previous examples, we will now improve the Group presented in Dynamic Programming in Web Dynpro ABAP -