However, such selection may also create an evolutionary "arms race" where males develop counter-adaptations to overcome female cryptic choice3. Females may actively eject sperm after copulation5,6 but most of the selection probably occurs at the morphological, biochemical, and physiological levels in...
The Arms Race Between KRAB–Zinc Finger Proteins and Endogenous Retroelements and Its Impact on Mammals. Annu Rev Genet. 2019;53:393–416. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Cosby RL, Chang N-C, Feschotte C. Host–transposon interactions: conflict, cooperation, and cooption. Genes Dev. ...
The Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era Published2025 Cyclades: Legendary Edition Published2024 Star Trek: Ascendancy Published2016 The Fellowship of the Ring: Trick-Taking Game Published2024 Ark Nova Published2021 Cthulhu: Death May Die ...
欢迎收看宿务Dynamic Herbvs蒙通联这场比赛的动画直播和比分直播,本场比赛的对阵双方分别为主场出战的宿务Dynamic Herb迎战客场挑战的蒙通联,开赛时间为2024年11月7日18:11。值得注意的是,本场比赛动画直播页面中,从左往右攻的是主队宿务Dynamic Herb,从右往左攻的是客队蒙通联,上下半场进攻方向一致,并不会发生变化...
After data cleaning, the analysis sample (n = 190) did not differ from the full sample (N = 200) with respect to any of the following: age, gender, race, ethnicity, educational attainment, hemoglobin A1c, CGM summary statistics (glucose mean, standard deviation, coefficient of ...
Jun 4, 2024 pie Move PIE from submodule into MAMBO repository (#121) Jun 6, 2024 plugins Add data race detector plugin Aug 8, 2024 test Merge remote-tracking branch 'alistair/riscv-ihl' into riscv Jan 14, 2023 .gitignore [.gitignore] Add symbol_parser.o and .vscode/ ...
Human emotions fluctuate over time. However, it is unclear how these shifting emotional states influence the organization of episodic memory. Here, we examine how emotion dynamics transform experiences into memorable events. Using custom musical pieces a
Next on the agenda is the Epic Escape Room Quest. You and your team will have to race against the clock to solve riddles, unlock codes, and find your way out of a locked room before time runs out. It’s heart-pounding, nerve-wracking fun that will leave you bu...
欢迎收看达沃FCvs宿务Dynamic Herb这场比赛的动画直播和比分直播,本场比赛的对阵双方分别为主场出战的达沃FC迎战客场挑战的宿务Dynamic Herb,开赛时间为2024年11月10日16:11。值得注意的是,本场比赛动画直播页面中,从左往右攻的是主队达沃FC,从右往左攻的是客队宿务Dynamic Herb,上下半场进攻方向一致,并不会发生变化...
The co-evolution of TE silencing factors and TEs is often thought to occur in the form of an arms race. TE silencing factors, including those of the piRNA pathway, often have signatures of fast, adaptive evolution that are interpreted as a consequence of such an arms race [24,25,40,41,...