But you might still get downvotes because that's how Codeforces works :P →Reply -is-this-fft- 8 years ago,#^| +10 I think people usually downvote questions like that because it leaves an impression that the author isn't really trying. When someone asks a question about an easy proble...
prvocislo→Editorial for Codeforces Round #945 (Div. 2) ItsAboudTime→ACM Marathon 2024 Tutorial EduardoBrito→OII 2024 Teams TheScrasse→[Tutorial] Problems about swapping adjacent elements atcoder_official→Panasonic Programming Contest 2024(AtCoder Beginner Contest 354) Announcement ...
由于旅行路线成一个环,所以从哪里出发不重要,我们把景点按照a i a_iai排序,不妨就从左边最小的出发。基础的旅行费用c i c_ici是都要算上的,我们的目的是最小化额外的费用∑ max ( 0 , ( a j − a i ) − c j ) \sum\max(0,(a_j-a_i)-c_j)∑max(0,(aj−ai...
My solutions for different online judges: UVa, LightOJ, SPOJ, Codeforces, Codechef, Atcoder, Timus, URI etc. java math cpp geometry array stl competitive-programming sort acm-icpc graph-theory adhoc acm programming-contests binary-search number-theory string-processing dynamicprogramming Updated Fe...
对动态规划(Dynamic Programming)的理解:从穷举开始(转) 动态规划(Dynamic Programming,以下简称dp)是算法设计学习中的一道槛,适用范围广,但不易掌握。 笔者也是一直不能很好地掌握dp的法门,于是这个寒假我系统地按着LRJ的《算法竞赛入门经典》来学习算法,对dp有了一个比过往都更系统\更深入的理解,并在这里写出来...
5. Codeforces Round #801 (Div. 2) and EPIC Institute of Technology Round(4) 推荐排行榜 1. 2022 省选游记(3) 2. [学习笔记] 生成函数(3) 3. 色😍色😍色😍(3) 4. [Contest on 2022.7.21] 先复习动人的墓志 再背诵浪漫的情诗(2) 5. [ZJOI 2022] 众数(2) 最新评论 1. Re...
A comparison of implementation of Codeforces' problem 996 A using Dynamic Programming and Greedy - AAlab1819/ProjectTeam04-A
// Codeforces 518D 期望 DP #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAX_N = 2000 + 3, MAX_T = 2000 + 3; int n, t; double p, dp[MAX_T][MAX_N]; int main() { scanf("%d%lf%d", &n, &p, &t); dp[0][0] = 1; double ans = 0; for (int i = 0...
2016 2017 acm algorithm android aoapc apple archlinux bellman-ford brute force c++ cat codeforces coding deep learning devops dfs diary dynamic programming embedding fcitx git graph hungarian json life linux machine learning mathematic movies poj python shell ssh sublime sum toefl writing travel ubuntu ...
Dynamic Programming - Integer Break Given a positive integer n, break it into the sum of at least two positive integers and maximize the product of those integers. Return the maximum product you can get. For example, given n = 2, return 1 (2 = 1 + 1); gi