hive.error.on.empty.partition=false;–在动态分区插入产生空结果时是否抛出异常 默认值:false 当有空分区生成时,是否抛出异常。一般不需要设置。 case set hive.exec.dynamic.partition = true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict; insert overwrite table t_part partition(year,month) select id...
注意:在PARTITION (month,day)中指定分区字段名即可; 在SELECT子句的最后两个字段,必须对应前面PARTITION (month,day)中指定的分区字段,包括顺序。 执行结果如下: Loading data to table liuxiaowen.t_lxw1234_partitioned partition (month=null, day=null) Loading partition {month=2015-05, day=2015-05-10}...
and at least one of the determined cloud services is a non-metered cloud service that executes non-metered transactions and does not limit the number of operations that can be performed within the given time interval; for a first time slot, determining whether each metered cloud service has a...