The sufficient conditions for output feedback stabilizing designed controller are given in terms of solutions to a linear matrix inequality (LMI). The numerical illustrations and some simulation results are presented to visualize the feasibility of the proposed control strategy.Haleh Soleimanzad...
5 is the involved time delay; u(t)∈R is the input signal; y(t)∈R is the output signal. In this case, the functions f and h in (2) are functions from C2×R to R2 and from C2 to R, respectively. We consider here the dynamic output feedback controller described by the ...
Dynamic output feedback controller is thus designed by solving LMI (linear matrix inequality). 通过求解线性矩阵不等式完成动态输出反馈可靠控制器的设计。 4. The guaranteed cost control is studied based on both state-feedback and dynamic output-feedback. 提出了无记忆保成本控制器和...
dynamic output feedback controller design problem for discrete-time systems with random communication delays, packet dropouts and quantisation errors are ... Rasool,F.,Nguang,... - 《Iet Control Theory & Applications》 被引量: 35发表: 2010年 Dynamic output feedback H ∞ control for networked co...
Combining the dynamic output feedback controller that stabilizes the reduced-order model of the linear part of the nonlinear singularly perturbed system with the quasi-stability result of Persidskii, a two-step compensating scheme is proposed to stabilize the original nonlinear singularly perturbed ...
In this section, a finite-time H∞ dynamic output feedback controller is proposed to guarantee the FTB condition of the closed-loop system (1). Consider the following dynamic output feedback controller:{z˙(t)=Akσ(t)z(t)+Bkσ(t)y(t),z(0)=0u(t)=Ckσ(t)z(t)+Dkσ(t)y(t)...
usingtheinformationofoutput. Ontheotherhand,whenwecontrolamechan- icalsystemsinpractice,thevelocitysignalsare notalwaysmeasured.Thismeansthattheper- formanceofthefeedbacksystemcanbepoor whenthevelocitysignalsaregivenbydifference approximationsofthepositionsignals.Inpartic- ular,inthecasewherediscontinuousfeedbac...
Currently, some efforts have been devoted on the event-triggered output feedback control, to name a few, an event triggered output feedback control for wireless NCSs had been proposed in [37], where separate links between the sensor-to-controller and the controller-to-actuator were considered;...
Dynamic Output Feedback Guaranteed Cost Control for T-S Fuzzy Systems with Uncertainties and Time Delays Summary: This paper introduces a dynamic output feedback (DOF) guaranteed cost controller for systems with uncertainties and time delays, which are usually... G Ma,Y Sun,J Ma,... - Intern...
Via discrete dynamic output-feedback control, a closed-loop power system is modeled as a discrete-time networked control system considering both network-induced delay and random data packet dropout in the communication network of WAMS. The network-induced delay is assumed to have an upper bound; ...