The production company sets the fixed size of time windows common to all the subplans. In general the wider the window size, the more flexibility it has, resulting in a production plan with less cost. In this paper, we deal with a dynamic lot-sizing model for major and minor demands ...
Dynamic lot sizePerishable productStockoutsStorage capacityThis research work deals with the single-item dynamic lot size problem under (i) age-dependent inventory deterioration rates and inventory costs and (ii) stockouts (or lost sales, that is, the demands do not have to be satisfied). Two ...
This paper studies the dynamic lot size model with speculative motive for holding inventory being allowed, where speculative motive means that producing a unit in a period and holding it to a future period may be cheaper than producing it at the later time. In a rolling horizon environment, on...
This paper is concerned with the general dynamic lot size model, or (generalized) Wagner-Whitin model. Let n denote the number of periods into which the planning horizon is divided. We describe a simple forward algorithm which solves the general model in 0(n log n) time and 0(n) space,...
Quality improvement, setup cost and lead-time reductions in lot size reorder point models with an imperfect production process - ScienceDirect This paper investigates the lot size, reorder point inventory model involving variable lead time with partial backorders, where the production process is i.....
Using OpenVINO 2022.2.0 C++ API, i am facing difficulties to convert my ONNX model into IR (xml + bin) before loading into a CompiledModel. Batch size is dynaimc and my targeted device is the NCS2 (Myriad X). The model (auto encodeur) input shape: tenso...
Just note that a lot of this code is public and changing the behaviour e.g. the expected intput/output would technically be breaking backward compatibility. So adding support for AOT while still preserving BC may not be a trivial task. Beyond the RPN, what model specifically are you interest...
The characteristic batch plant time for a given lot size is the sum of processing and idle times required for its production. Continuous manufacturing lines, in contrast to batch tank farms, eliminate idle times between processing units by definition; however, deeper understanding is required for ...
Extending the deformation field: in, set max_windowed=False and smart_maxpool=False everywhere in compute(); in, set self.hash_encoding_config["base_resolution"] = 512 Coarse deformations: weight_coarse_smooth_deformations = 30 Fine deformations: at the beginn...
RuntimeError: size is inconsistent with indices: for dim 1, size is 3 but found index 5 Remove deprecated functionality from torch.testing Historically, torch.testing exposed a lot of private and undocumented functionality publicly. The 2.0 release completes the deprecation cycle for the following ...