我的世界1.19.3-1.6.4动态光源 Dynamic Lights Mod下载 动态光源 Dynamic Lights Mod实现让发光的物体在自然状态下也正常发光,而无需放置后才发光,比如火把、岩浆桶等拿在手中的时候,或者燃烧的怪物、恶魂射出的火焰弹以及佩戴有附魔属性头盔等的玩家或者怪物,也会在正常情况下发出光芒。 mod特点 更加接近现实世界,...
Much Better Lights 🧡 1 1 ezkjepple July 11, 2022 at 5:59 am linkversite my weaknes 🧡 3 1 HUNK July 03, 2022 at 1:14 pm Thas the only one That works of the kind, the only defect I found is that the second hand torch has a texture of an aim at the side. 🧡...
Provide any other download links that are not the ones I provided. Monetize the Addon given Modify any of the code inside the pack without approval first. Release this in any mod pack without my consent first. Thank you for agreeing to the terms when downloading. ...
Added global and per-player toggle for Dynamic Lights (closes #56, closes #37, closes #26, closes #47) Added mod support for Lucky's Wardrobe Fixed ominous item spawners not being parsed for light emitting items Fixed Dynamic Lights breaking after some time on paper servers (closes #45, ...
LambDynamicLights The most feature-complete dynamic lighting Minecraft mod for Fabric. 📖 What's this mod? It's dark outside, extremely dark... You can't see a lot in the darkness, you wish you had a torch, or a lantern to hold and see in the light... And this is now possi...
1. Mini Dynamic Lights A fast dynamic light mod by doing minimal computation through: selective dynamic light entity computation by type and count smaller range of dynamic light radius As a result, the dynamic lighting can appear choppy in expense of performance. However, dynamic lighting settings...
A patch that makes the flashlights from Tactical Weapon Mods cast shadows. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Changelogs Makes the flashlights dynamic with a simple FO4Edit change.IMPORTANTLoad this after the original modThe flashlight may shine on the weapon and have the shadow of ...
The Dynamic Lights Mod is one that you’d think would be an obvious thing when it comes to light sources in Minecraft. When you hold a light source, be it a torch or glowstone block or anything in between, before placing it it should give off some sort of light. Well, it doesn’t...
Lambda的动态光源(LambDynamicLights)Mod是一个为游戏添加了动态光源的Fabric模组。 这个模组是什么? 外面天色很黑,非常黑……在黑暗中,你几乎看不到什么东西,你希望自己能有一支火把或者,一盏灯笼,以此能在他们发出的亮光中看清东西……。 这个为游戏添加了动态光源的模组使这成为可能。现在多亏了你的火把,你可以在...