Building the Future. A Trusted Leader in Governmental Services, Disaster Response, Resiliency, and Mitigationfor Over 20 Years. From overseeing the most extensive disaster recovery programs that provide life-sustaining aid, to managing the construction of complex infrastructure crucial for community develo...
The hierarchical and modular construction of the GDRI, which allows for aggregation and decomposition, will prove useful in this regard. Although the GDRI and its underlying SES framework signify progress, they do not represent a universal theory of risk but rather an important contribution to ...
The services are food, fodder, medicinal uses (med), ritual or social uses (rit/soc), environmental uses (envi), poison, construction (constr), materials (mat) and fuel. Species (Family) Ecosystem Services food fodder med rit/soc envi poison constr mat fuel 1 Ceiba pentandra (Malvaceae) ...