3) Dynamic Computable general equilibrium model 动态可计算一般均衡模型 4) CGE 可计算一般均衡 1. This thesis uses the computable general equilibrium model (CGEfor short) to simulate the entire. 本文通过运用可计算一般均衡模型(简称CGE)来模拟整个社会的经济运行情况,模拟水运业对整个国民经济的影响。
computable general equilibriuminput output analysissensitivity analysisA novel dynamic computable general equilibrium model based on National Water Resource Input Holding Output Table is proposed to calculate the Shadow Price of water resource in China. Unlike previous approaches, the dynamic Shadow Price of...
A novel dynamic computable general equilibrium model based on National Water Resource Input Holding Output Table is proposed to calculate the Shadow Price of water resource in China. Unlike previous approaches, the dynamic Shadow Price of water resource is largely based on the scarcity extent and can...
We motivate and detail the newly developed G-RDEM recursive-dynamic Computable General Equilibrium model as a tool for long-term counterfactual analysis and baseline generation from given GDP and population projections. It encompasses an AIDADS demand system with non-linear Engel curves, debt ...
This thesis is aimed to develop a Monash-style medium-scale dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model for Tourism of Thailand as the major contribution. The model is designed to be capable of analyzing not only the economic policies but also historical simulation and forecasting simulation....
求翻译:DREAM is a computable dynamic general equilibrium model of Norway. (See Vennemo (1997) for a complete technical documentation). DREAM has earlier been used in cost-benefit analyses of emissions reductions (Olsen, 1995), tax reform implications (Vennemo, 1995) and to estimate the effects...
Developing renewable energy is an important strategy to respond to carbon neutrality, contributing to energy transition and sustainable development in China. A dynamic computable general equilibrium model is employed to study the impacts of renewable energy policies on emission reductions and economic develo...
International capital linkages: Theory and application in a dynamic computable general equilibrium model. I. (1998), "International Capital Linkages: Theory and Application in A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model," Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue University... EI Ianchovichina - Purdue University...
Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Simulations in Support of Quantitative Foresight Modeling to Inform the CGIAR Research Portfolio Linking the IMPACT ... In the context of the project Quantitative Foresight Modeling to Inform the CGIAR Research Portfolio, IFPRI's International Model for Policy ...
(FSAM) for the Italian economy for the year 2009 to calibrate a dynamic computable general equilibrium model (DCGE). This model allowed us to evaluate the direct and indirect impact of money flow on the behavior of consumption and investment. The findings of the study confirmed the positive ...