30 Days free returns In the DYNAFIT brand store you take no risk. You can easily return your order within one month. 55% produced in the Alps We are at home in the Alps. We can proudly say that the majority of our products are produced here.Subscribe...
DYNAFIT est la marque faite par des athlètes pour les athlètes. La vitesse fait partie de notre ADN et notre mission est de fournir aux athlètes d’endurance alpins l’équipement le plus performant possible, 365 jours par an, été comme hiver, de la tête aux pieds. Nous savons ce qui...
30 Days free returns In the DYNAFIT brand store you take no risk. You can easily return your order within one month. 55% produced in the Alps We are at home in the Alps. We can proudly say that the majority of our products are produced here....
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Why We Like The Dynafit Free INFINIUM Hybrid Pant The Dynafit Free INFINIUM Hybrid Pant is our springtime go-to as we gear up for fast-paced tours with the promise of stomach-dropping descents. The hybrid softshell pants prioritize breathability and freedom of movement, utilizing GORE-TEX INFINI...
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DYNAFIT雪豹自豪地宣布,我们成为ITRA首位官方合作伙伴。我们将与这位越野跑世界最强有力的机构并肩携手,进一步推动越野跑运动的发展与繁荣,并为世界各地的跑者提供最大支持。 Who’s Dynafit DYNAFIT雪豹是1950年始创于德国的全地域山地竞技运动专业品牌。作为世界领先的滑雪登山和越野跑装备制造商,品牌标识中的雪豹形象准...
DYNAFIT一直是个小众极致的户外品牌。产品线很窄,专注于长距离越野跑、MTB山地自行车、登山滑雪三个领域,哪一个拎出来都是妥妥的极限运动。这也源自于他的基因:诞生于滑雪王国奥地利,目前隶属于德国SALEWA集团。 赞助的运动员成绩斐然,前...