Flyer: Automated sample preparation for DNA, RNA, proteins, and cells Product Information User Bulletin: CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Genome Editing of Human Primary T-cells using the Neon Transfection System Dynabeads® Untouched ™ Human T Cells 方案 Isolation of Untouched Human T cells from Peripheral...
Isolate truly untouched cells—Dynabeads negative isolation of human and mouse cells When viability matters - Dynabeads® for gentle cell isolation Product Information User Guide: Dynabeads Untouched Human Monocytes Kit 11350D_Dynabeads_Untouched_Human_Monocytes_(rev000)...
The kit depletes T cells, B cells, monocytes, platelets, dendritic cells, granulocytes and erythrocytes. The negatively isolated human NK cells are left in the sample and have not been in contact with the Dynabeads. The bead and antibody-free NK cells are truly untouched, and in perfect ...
品名: Dynabeads™ Untouched™ Human T Cells Kit 品牌: 赛默飞世尔 型号: 暂无产品详情 金山科研平台现货促销 UsethiskittoisolatepureandviableuntouchedT-cellsfromPBMCbynegativeisolation.ThekitdepletesBcells,NKcells,monocytes,platelets,dendriticcells,granulocytesanderythrocytes.ThenegativelyisolatedhumanT-cellsare...
产品名称: DYNABEADS UNTOUCHED HUMAN CD8 .0 订购此产品 供应商: Invitrogen 规格: 10ML- 1X10E9 目录价: 7210 库存状态: 三周到货 CAS编号: 应用范围: 生化试验 种属来源: 相关信息: Dynabeads® Untouched™ Human CD8 T Cells Kit The Dynabeads® Untouched™ Human CD8 T Cells Kit is use...
品名: Dynabeads™ Untouched™ Human T Cells Kit 品牌: 赛默飞世尔 型号: 暂无 产品详情 规格参数 Use this kit to isolate pure and viable untouched T-cells from PBMC by negative isolation. The kit depletes B cells, NK cells, monocytes, platelets, dendritic cells, granulocytes and erythrocytes...
用于T 细胞活化/扩增的 Dynabeads™ 小鼠T活化剂CD3/CD28 Catalog number: 11452D 9,593.00/Each Dynabeads™ Untouched™ 小鼠 T 细胞试剂盒 Catalog number: 11413D 9,478.00/Each Dynabeads™ Untouched™ Mouse CD8 Cells Kit Catalog number: 11417D ...
Dynabeads® are added and will bind to the antibody-labeled cells during a short incubation. The bead-bound cells are quickly separated on a magnet and discarded. The remaining untouched human DC's can be directly sorted into the sup-population of choice or used in any other application....
Dynabeads® Untouched™ Human CD8 T Cells,11348D,Thermofisher,赛默飞世尔 销售价: 询价 加入购物车 Dynabeads® Untouched™ Human T Cells,11344D,Thermofisher,赛默飞世尔 销售价: 询价 加入购物车 Dynabeads® Regulatory CD4+CD25+ T Cell Kit ,11363D,Thermofisher,赛默飞世尔 销售价: ...
Dynabeads™ Untouched™ 小鼠 T 细胞包含磁珠和抗体混合物,以去除小鼠脾脏或淋巴结细胞中的所有白细胞,仅留存靶标小鼠 T 细胞。这种负分离的未接触小鼠 T 细胞纯度高且活性好,可用于任何下游应用。•可迅速分离未接触小鼠 T 细胞 – 无需色谱柱• 高纯度和活性的小鼠 T 细胞,可以用于任何下游应用回收的...