迪伦·托马斯1945年的诗《蕨山》是根据他在威尔士姑姑的农场的童年经历改编的,他在那里长大。这首诗充满了强烈的抒情语言和丰富的隐喻描述,抓住了小时候在外面玩耍的兴奋和喜悦,以及与自然世界和谐相处的感觉。结果是对童年的奇迹和优雅以及最终失去的痛苦的赞美诗。 《蕨山》原文与译文 《Fern Hill》原文 《蕨山》译...
Dylan Thomas(迪伦·托马斯)《Fern Hill》《蕨山》解析 目录 关于《蕨山》的简要信息 《蕨山》原文与译文 《Fern Hill》原文 《蕨山》译文(粗译)《蕨山》摘要 《蕨山》主题 童年的快乐和纯真 大自然的和谐与奇迹 时间的力量 童年恩典的结束 《蕨山》象征 蕨山 绿色和金色 白色 《蕨山》的形式、节拍和韵律方案 ...
Dylan Thomas - Fern Hill
Learn about "Fern Hill," Dylan Thomas's coming-of-age poem. Read a summary of the "Fern Hill" poem. Explore an analysis of "Fern Hill" to discover...
Dylan Thomas was born in October of 1914 in Swansea, Wales. He is best remembered for his poetry but he also wrote short stories and worked for BBC as a scriptwriter. Some of his most famous poems are ‘Fern Hill‘ and ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night‘. He is one of the ...
Fern Hill, poem by Dylan Thomas that evokes the joy and the inevitable loss of the world of childhood. It was first published in 1946 in his collection Deaths and Entrances. “Fern Hill” is narrated by the mature poet, who reflects systematically on the
Fern Hill by Dylan Thomas - Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green, The
Fern Hill themesIn Fern Hill by 20th century Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, a recognized master of lyric poetry, youth is praised as a magical period of life. The poem was first published in Horizon magazine in 1945.Answer and Explanation: The theme of Fern Hill is nostalgia for the simplicity...
His older sister Nancy was eight years old when Dylan was born on the 27th of October, 1914 in Swansea in southern Wales. His mother, Florence Williams, was a housewife and his father, David John Thomas (also known as "D.J." or "Jack"), was an English Literature teacher at Swansea...