更广泛地说,《拒绝哀悼伦敦一名儿童的火之死》的世界末日形象——似乎涵盖了所有“人类”的悲剧(见第1-6和15行)——反映了人类历史上最致命的冲突造成的大规模动荡。 【参考资料】Dylan Thomas(迪伦·托马斯)《A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London》《拒绝哀悼伦敦一名儿童的火之死...
像摇滚歌星一样成名和毁灭 迪伦·托马斯(DylanThomas)1914年10月27日出生于南威尔士斯旺西(Swansea)的高地郊区。当斯旺西文法学校的英语老师戴维·约翰·托马斯(D.J.Thomas)决定给他刚出生的儿子取名为迪伦时,这个名字几乎无人知晓。饱读诗书的父亲在中世纪威尔士故事集《马比诺金》(Mabinogion)中发现了它,是一个“长...
Dylan Thomas (1914-53) was a perfect poète maudit. He spent much of his short life in dark bars, inhaling smoke and imbibing beer, often at other people's expense. Until I read David N Thomas's book Fatal Neglect: Who Killed Dylan Thomas? I (like most people) had always assumed ...
死亡面前的优雅似乎是诗人作品里常见的内容。无论是对光阴消逝的桀骜怒斥,还是当骨头被剔净后臂肘间长出的星星,他信仰着Death shall have no dominion(死亡不会战胜),一种向死而生的坦荡。 目前可以搜到的译文有两版,海岸的和罗沐的。然而正如Robert Frost所说"Poetry is what gets lost in translation",诗歌...
Dylan Thomas, 1914 - 1953 不要温顺地走进那个良夜 迪伦·托马斯 Do not go gentle into that good night, 不要温顺地走进那个良宵, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; 老年在日暮之时应当燃烧咆哮; Rage,rage against the dying of the light. ...
中英对照狄兰·托马斯《死亡也一定不会战胜》;Dylan Thomas And Death Shall Have No Dominion双语版;狄兰·托马斯《死亡也一定不会战胜》中译
現在想分享三首詩:Forest Pictures《森林美景》、When once the twilight locks no longer《一旦晨曦不再佇留》和 And death shall have no dominion《而死亡也一統不了天下》。最近在讀迪蘭·托馬斯(Dylan Thomas)的詩集,在北京外研社買的雙語版,當時快離開北京、離開那個熟悉的外研書店了,臨走買的,作爲紀念。懷著...
And death shall have no dominion. 死亡也一定不会战胜 狄兰·托麦斯 死亡也一定不会战胜。 赤条条的死人一定会 和风中的人西天的月合为一体; 等他们的骨头被剔净而干净的骨头又消失, 他们的臂肘和脚下一定会有星星; 他们虽然发狂却一定会清醒,
And Death Shall Have No Dominion by Dylan Thomas And death shall have no dominion. Dead men naked they shall be one With the man in the wind and the west moon; When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone, They shall have stars at elbow and foot; ...
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. ...