探索布魯克林戴克高地 (Dyker Heights) 和灣嶺 (Bay Ridge) 的節日街區,這裡有一個珍貴的傳統,即用數千盞閃爍的燈光、迷人的玩具士兵和可愛的馴鹿展示的聖誕老人來裝飾房屋。令人歎為觀止的景象確實令人驚歎,一定會讓您的心充滿喜悅。返回曼哈頓,您會被曼哈頓閃閃發光的天際線和裝飾城市街道的節日聖誕裝飾所吸引。
Current local time in Dyker Heights, NY, USA. Time zones EDT, Eastern Daylight Time, America/New_York. Dyker Heights UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names
El mejor tour contrastes de Nueva York en Español con guías profesionales y divertidos. Vean las atracciones de New York!
At Ps 229 Dyker, 67% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 78% scored at or above that level for reading.Compared with the district, the school didbetterin math andbetterin reading, according to this metric. InNew York City Public Schools,60%of students teste...
OTHER THINGS TO SEE IN DYKER HEIGHTS If, like me, you love history, there are two places to visit. They are a bit obscure, but they might pique your interest. New Utrecht Reformed Churchat 1827 84th Street (map) This is the 9th oldest church building in New York City, built in 1828...
New York, a taxi trip from 271w 119th to Dyker Heights costs around $ 74.00. Calculate the price of your taxi trip in New York.
Pic of the Week ig @kiariladyboss @newyorkcity4all Buy Tickets Now Testimonials “Paul and I had a wonderful private tour with Dyker Heights Christmas Lights. Our tour guide, Steven, was knowledgeable about the Christmas lights tradition and the neighborhood’s history. The decorated homes were...
2021 Dyker Heights Christmas Lights 地址:1072 80th St , Brooklyn, NY 11228 时间:目前至2021年1月 最佳观赏时间:5pm-9pm 交通:建议搭乘地铁D线到布鲁克林79st或New Utrecht Ave后,步行15分钟抵达。 戴克高地灯展历史 布鲁克林Dyker Height 圣诞灯展,最早开始于1980年代。当时才搬来这一富裕而宁静的意大利社区的...
Dyker Heights residents take the holidays very seriously: The houses in this nabe are decked out with thousands of lights, life-size toy soldiers, inflatable Santas and more. Take in all the best displays on this 3.5-hour bus tour.
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) –TheDyker Heights holiday lightsare up and on - each next house more elaborate and illuminating than the last. It's one of the biggest attractions in New York City at this time of year, drawing thousands of tourists every winter to come see the Dyker lights, repor...