While the parkour-heavy zombie game Dying Light 2: Stay Human was generally well-received when it launched on Xbox, Windows PC, and other platforms last year, one thing fans disliked about the sequel was the feel of its combat. Compared to developer Techland's original game,...
Beyond the primary cast, however, other characters are either totally forgettable or memorable only for their obnoxious qualities. Thankfully, the devs at Techland have implemented a “Skip Dialogue” button that I ended up using for all but the main missions. In Dying Light ...
Dying Light 2’s producer Kornel Jaskula walks us through Techland's pitch for the future of open-world sandbox design
Dying Light 2 Stay Human is an ambitious zombie action adventure that's packed with top-notch parkour, an awesome open world, and every painful bug in the book. Available on Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC.
Was really enjoying this game up until the somewhat bad ending everyone's been talking about. Got every quest and challenge except for the last two Psycho...