Go to Dying Light 2/ph/source/data0.pak make copy of it in the same directory and rename it...
Also note that this may not work if your game files are already modded. Go to Dying Light 2/ph/source/data0.pak make copy of it in the same directory and rename it to data2.pak then open it and delete everything but the following: data2\scripts\inventory\chapters\inventory_ch_...
2. 通过 ph\work\bin\x64\DyingLightGame_x64_rwdi.exe 启动游戏。3. 登录您的Epic商城账户。4. 游戏中通过序章,在esc菜单邀请好友加入个人联机经验:该版本联机补丁有时貌似不需要登录epic也可联机,只要steam显示spacewar即可单机版存档位置:C:\Users\“你的用户名”\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\...