There are 63 Tape Collectible Recording Locations in Dying Light 2. Finding all Collectible Recordings (called Tapes in-game) unlocks the Audiophile trophy or achievement. It is highly recommended to frequently use Survival Sense to mark nearby collectibles with a golden dot. Especially when the sto...
You will then be shown a scene with the current ramifications of your choice. Lawan then appears as she came to make sure you didn’t die. You will automatically follow her off the rooftop, and this quest will be complete. This finishes Broadcast story quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human....
1. Delete your save file (Settings -> Saved Data and Game/App Settings -> console storage -> Delete -> Dying Light 2 ), reason for this is I suspect the profile settings are getting corrupted for everyone who has the bug 2. Play a new game (check that the new game+ flag is no ...