PC Dying Light – Enhanced Edition 100% Game Save About Save:The Game done 100%, maximum money To install: Copy to C:\Users\*user name*\Documents\ DyingLight\out\save\ or C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steam\ *CODEX*\239140\remote\out\save\ (pirated version) or C:\Program Files (x86)\S...
增加了很多游戏内有模型,但不能获取的物品作为战利品,虽然不能使用但可卖钱寻宝游戏游戏内可以获得大量蓝图,有自定义武器、子弹制作图等https://www.nexusmods.com/dyinglight/mods/127 【夜行者模式】Night Runner Mode 所有武器、装备、战利品都已重做技能重新调整,并且增加了新的技能增加新蓝图、装备、物品、敌人、...
Blind 25 enemies in the Light Trap Little Craftsman Craft your first item Master Crafter Use Blueprints at least 100 times Open Sesame Perform 10 successful Lockpicks Everybody Knows Kyle Reach Survivor Rank lvl 12 The Legend of Harran
1. Delete your save file (Settings -> Saved Data and Game/App Settings -> console storage -> Delete -> Dying Light 2 ), reason for this is I suspect the profile settings are getting corrupted for everyone who has the bug 2. Play a new game (check that the new game+ flag is no ...
Found inside the northwestern tower of the Saint Paul Cathedral. You will visit this location during Main Quest 15: Cathedral. If you got The Lost Light quest instead, you can access this area by paragliding from the nearby windmill.
100% View Distance NVIDIA Ambient Occlusion Ambient Occlusion (AO) adds contact shadows where two surfaces or objects meet, and where objects block light from reaching another nearby game element. Simply put, Ambient Occlusion adds depth and realism. There are two types...
New Game Plus or NG+ Is a feature in Dying Light games that is unlocked in the Main Menu under Play → Campaign → Save → Advanced for DL1, and Play Campaign → "New Game+" when hovering over the completed save for DL2, after reaching 100 % story completion. Not to be mistaken wit...
The addition of extra detail does of course increase load on the GPU, but in testing we found the largest limiting factor to be the CPU. Usage of Core 1 will typically be pegged at 100% inDying Light, but as the View Distance setting is raised GPU usage plummets, as does the framera...
Add:-epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername="test"to the target field, so the shortcut points to<path-to-game>\DyingLightGame.exe -epicenv=Prod - EpicPortal -epicusername="test". Save the changes and run the game from the shortcut. The game will be forced to English. ...