Ondre´as H, Fouquet Y, Voisset M, Radford-Knoery J (1997) Detailed study of three contiguous segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, South of the Azores (37°N to 38°300N), using acoustic imaging coupled with submersible observations. Mar Geophys Res ...
Corrigendum to "The solubility of xenotime-(Y) and other HREE phosphates (DyPO4, ErPO4 and YbPO4) in aqueous solutions from 100 to 250 °C and psat" [Volume 401, 2015, pp. 83-95] doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.05.002Chemical Geology (including Isotope Geoscience)Alexander P. GysiAnthony...
四、阅读短文Look tthedek Ter re manytingsoni.Mum pu to ple ndhree bananas on yesterdy Dadputa Chines book andan Englsh bookont ths morning Amy pt levensweet oni andSam pu forbotlesofmilk on i yesterday.().Teraetookoteek()2. Amy omemknedekytdy.)3. Thee are some r onthe desk ...
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The solubility of xenotime-(Y) and other HREE phosphates (DyPO4, ErPO4 and YbPO4) in aqueous solutions from 100 to 250 °C and psat. Chem. Geol. 401, 83-95.Gysi AP, Williams-Jones AE, Harlov D (2015) The solubility of xenotime-(Y) and other HREE phosphates (DyPO 4 , ErPO...
T he T ale of the T hree Y oung B rothers: an A nalytical S tudy of M usic and C ommunal J oy ( H ng) in K orean F olk C ulturedoi:10.1111/j.1468-2249.2011.00332.xKOREAN folk musicMUSIC & emotionsMUSICAL performance
doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.05.002Gysi Alexander P.Williams-Jones Anthony E.Harlov DanielELSEVIERChemical Geology
March 2001 C HARACTERISTICS AND P ERCEPTIONS A CROSS T HREE S TUDY S EASONSJames, E BAnderson, Dorothy HWarzecha, Cynthia AThompson, Jerrilyn L