data: 后台处理好的返回到前台的数据,如上csv格式; {}里面填写插件为这个图准备的一些属性,如:legend等,官网给了好多,选择自己要使用的即可。详情参考 这里使用的属性如下: var g = new Dygraph( document.getElementById("div_g"), data, { legend: "always", //title:"...
dygraphs示例 // 准备数据 var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { var month = new Date(2022, i, 1); var value = Math.random() * 100; // 替换为实际的数据值 data.push([month, value]); } // 初始化图表 var chart = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("...
dygraphs示例 // 准备数据 var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { var month = new Date(2022, i, 1); var value = Math.random() * 100; // 替换为实际的数据值 data.push([month, value]); } // 初始化图表 var chart = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("...
Main Dygraphs.js features The dygraphs JavaScript library: is lightweight, fast, and responsive; needs neither external server nor Flash to plot time series; is compatible with all major browsers, including Internet Explorer (using excanvas) and works perfectly on mobile devices responding to touch ...
You'll find pre-built JS & CSS files innode_modules/dygraphs/dist/. If you're using a module bundler like browserify or webpack, you can import dygraphs: importDygraphfrom'dygraphs';// or: const Dygraph = require('dygraphs');constg=newDygraph('graphdiv',data,{/* options */}); ...
首先,安装以下 Debian 软件包... jq mksh pax python3 ...克隆存储库并运行: npm install npm run build-jsonly 然后在浏览器中打开tests/demo.html。 在开发人员指南中了解有关 dygraphs 开发流程的更多信息。 许可证 dygraphs 在 MIT 许可证下可用,包含在LICENSE.txt中。
创建第一个图表 接下来,让我们通过一个简单的例子来体验 Dygraphs 的魅力。假设我们有一组关于某股票价格的数据,我们将使用这些数据来创建一个基本的图表。首先,在 HTML 文件中定义一个元素作为图表容器: // 这里将放置我们的 JavaScript 代码 随后,在标签内编写 JavaScript 代码来初始化图表: var stockData = ...
The modularisation of the test setup also allows stable access to exported functions (e.g.Dygraph._require('dygraphs/src/dygraph-utils.js').numberValueFormatter) which makes writing one’s own value formatters easier (as usual, proceed with care, exports with an underscore are internal); seeht...
HTML g4 = new Dygraph( document.getElementById("graphdiv4"), "twonormals.csv", { rollPeriod: 7, showRoller: true, errorBars: true, valueRange: [50,125] } ); OUTPUT 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Jan 07 Apr 07 Jul 07 Oct 07 Things to note here: The errorBars...
Start bydownloading dygraphs. Then read theTutorialto learn how to use it, or justplay with dygraphson jsFiddle. Once you've got your feet wet, look for inspiration in thedemo galleryor check out ourlist of users. If you're using npm and a bundler like webpack, browserify or rollup, ...