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The systems {Tb, Dy, Ho}-Cr-B have been studied by means of x-ray analysis. isothermal sections at 1070 K have ben plotted. Previously known borides of the YCrB 4 type structure (space group Pbam) have been confirmed: TbCrB 4 , DyCrB 4 , and HoCrB 4 . A new compound Ho 3 ...
metal-poor R CrB carbon starWe have derived the atmospheric parameters of the R CrB carbon star DY Per. The spectrum of DY Per near its maximum brightness was obtained using the 2.6-m ZTSh telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, and has a resolution of about 1.74 per pixel. We...
crb dy的第一条人生海海路过人间简直就是我心里永远的top û收藏 转发 9 ñ9 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...娱乐博主 4 毕业于 浙江传媒学院 查看更多 a 1337关注 2081粉丝 12214微博 微关系 她的关注(1260) 普生s 五十弦xh ...
We analyse the spectral energy distribution of the evolved carbon giant DY Per with a spectral synthesis technique. The red giant shows the photometric features of R CrB type stars. We derive the atmospheric parameters of DY Per using three variants of molecular line lists. We estimate Teff to...
[兰州零距离]兰州交警发布“五一”假期道路出行提示来源: 央视网 2023年04月29日 14:34 内容简介 兰州交警道路出行 新闻栏目推荐 新闻联播 焦点访谈 新闻直播间 新闻1+1 朝闻天下 CCTV-1综合 CCTV-2财经 CCTV-3综艺 CCTV-4中文国际 CCTV-5体育 CCTV-5+体育赛事 CCTV-6电影 CCTV-7国防军事 CCTV-8...