managerial dyads were studied in order to test aspects of Graen's role-making model of leadership. Subordinates' negotiating latitude was found to be positively related to their job satisfaction and negatively related to their job problems, but to be uncorrelated with numbers of hours spent working...
Generalizability of the Vertical Dyad Linkage Model of Leadership Photoswitched Singlet Energy Transfer in a Porphyrin−Spiropyran Dyad A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations: A longitudinal investigation of the role making process. ...
The VDL model of leadership: Problems and prospects In a test of hypotheses derived from the literature surrounding the Vertical Dyad Linkage (VDL) Model of Leadership, 45 supervisor-subordinate dyads were studied in a setting which differed from much of past VDL research. The results gen... RP...
Sex discrimination in managerial selection: Testing predictions of the vertical dyad linkage model The behavior of 60 male and female students in soliciting volunteer leaders for a series of leadership experiments was studied. The solicitation behavior w... L Larwood,J Blackmore - 《Sex Roles》 被...
Dyad leadership, in its simplest form, is a partnership. It’s the union of an administrative leader and a physician leader, forming a best-of-both-worlds structure. While the term has reappeared over the last five to 10 years, the model is not new. Dyad leadership dates back to ...
vertical integration of Disney迪士尼的垂直整合 热度: VERTICALDYAD LINKAGE(VDL)MODEL SeeLeader-MemberExchange(LMX)Theory VISIONARY LEADERSHIPTHEORY Howdosomeleadersattractfollowersandinspire themtopursueasharedgoal,achievingbeyondordi- naryexpectations?Visionaryleadershiptheoryseeks ...
doi:10.1097/00002800-200503000-00051Lynn MohrPhyllis Lawlor-KleanClinical Nurse SpecialistMohr L. Nursing leadership and nursing associates percep- tions of the APN/manager dyad model. Presented at: NACNS National Conference; March 9-12, 2005; Orlando, FL....
- 《Journal of Social Issues》 被引量: 34发表: 1999年 An integrative model of transformational leadership and follower behavior. Two hundred nine dyads were formed for the purpose of examining the relationships between leader behavior and a wide variety of individual and organizational outcomes. ...
Implicit leadership theory as a determinant of the factor structure underlying supervisory behavior scales. The hypothesis derived from the vertical dyad linkage model of leadership development and investigated in this study is that agreement between a leader and a member regarding the meaning of certain...
transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and organizational performance using data on transformational leadership from the leaders' perspective; and second, a follower-perception model examining the relationships among the same three constructs using transformational leadership estimates from the followers. ...