[二次元好图]第DXXXVIII期昊月-天明编辑于 2023年07月27日 06:47 039102 画师:花间莉萝 id:23848571 作品id:109417045 作品id:108322201 作品id:100887588 作品id:95660541 作品id:93299620 往期回顾: [二次元好图]第DXXXVII期 昊月-天明 · 1637阅读萝莉 二次元 可爱 美少女 美图 好图 插画 可爱的女孩...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现Jordan Xxxviii V1 Pf男子新款缓震耐磨透气篮球鞋DZ3355-001-100的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Jordan Xxxviii V1 Pf男子新款缓震耐磨透气篮球鞋DZ3355-001-100的信息,请来
XXXVIlI. Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch ]~r das Jahr 1957. (Frankfurt/ Main: Waldemar Kramer, 1967.Pp. v + 244.) Schopenhauer: Philosophe de l'Absurde. By Clement Brosset. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1967.Pp. ix [i] -b 107.Paper, F. 7.--) Manches in dem Jahrbuch ist rein ...
Triterpene glycosides of Astragalus and their genins. XXXVIII. Cycloalpigenin D and cycloalpioside D from Astragalus alopecurus[J] . M. A. Agzamova,M. I. Isaev.Chemistry of Natural Compounds . 1991 (3)Agzamova M, Isaev M (1991) Triterpene glycosides of Astragalus and their genins. XXX...
411 XXXVIII. — Descriptions of supposed new Birds from the Khdsi-Ndgd Hill-ranges south of the Brahmaputra River^ Assam. By Major H. H. Godwin-Austen, F.Z.S. &c. Garrulax nuchalis^ n. sp. Above, top of head to nape dark slaty grey, succeeded by a broad rich ferruginous collar ...
这是一期从未遇到过的录制体验,38期的更新,数百封投稿,录到所有人情绪波动到无法继续还是头一遭。 我宁愿相信这位投稿听众NAN是一个杰出的编剧或者小说家,不然我不知道该如何稳妥的直视人性,可那些如芒在背的细节,那些令人窒息又合情合理的慌乱与歇斯底里..让我陷入困惑 ...
Atomic data from the IRON Project - XXXVIII. Electron impact excitation of the fine-structure transitions in the $n=3$ complex of Fe xv As part of the IRON Project, electron impact excitation effective collision strengths are computed for the ion Fe xvi familiar in solar spectra. A Breit-...
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XXXVIII.—Descriptions of a few new species of American Platypodidæ in the British Museum of Natural History 来自 Taylor & Francis 喜欢 0 阅读量: 1678 作者: KE Schedl 摘要: The present paper, a revision of the genus Sarcophagula Wulp, is based upon material from the Instituto Oswaldo ...