W / VE业余爱好者在160、80、40、20、15和10米波段上的尽可能多的DXCC实体中工作尽可能多的DX站。 1.3.2。DX站在48个连续州和省中的尽可能多的W / VE站中工作。 2.日期和比赛期限: 2.1。CW: 2月的第三个完整周末(2020年 2 月15日至16日)。 2.2。SSB:3月的第一个完整周末(2020年 3 月7日至8...
DX局点SSB周期配置5ms导致NR系统内切换失败 关键字:NR系统内切换成功率、SSB周期 【问题描述】 DX某局点SA系统内切换成功率下滑至99%以下,具体为SA切换执行成功率劣化。 【问题分析】 排查TOP小区切换失败的高发类型,通过标口信令分析,切换执行失败的原因为UE重建回源小区并触发源小区向目标小区取消切换。UE重建请求...
德生PL990守听2020CQWW DX SSB比赛#业余无线电 - 峰哥爱耍机_BG4QL于20201024发布在抖音,已经收获了144.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
巴西,葡萄牙,菲律宾dx记录,2.5wQRP,17000+,11000+,1000+KM, Rig ft-818,20mEFHW,DIY 49:1 UNUN#业余无线电 #QRP #DX #DIY#SSB - rayaa于20241222发布在抖音,已经收获了1386个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
2003 ARRLDX SSB - Non-US/VE Claimed Scores 05Mar2003 Submit logs by: April 1, 2003 E-mail logs to: DXPhone@arrl.org Mail logs to: DX Phone Contest ARRL 225 Main St. Newington, CT 06111 USA 3830 Score Web Page -http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/http://lists.contesting.com/pipe...
这是2006年6月2日到6月4日,北京73无线俱乐部参加第九届环亚2米单边带DX活动的设台地址。40多个小时中,BY1AA/3的信号从这里划破长空,向远方的朋友发出热情的呼唤。 73俱乐部2米SSB-DX活动(点击看大图) 这是位于河北承德市兴隆县境内的雾灵山西峰,其东侧1公里,就是雾灵山的最高峰,海拔2118米的歪桃峰。雾灵...
Participants in the 66th edition of the CQ World-Wide DX SSB Contest couldn't say enough about how great the conditions were on 10 meters. From Ned AA7A, "I have not seen 10 meters so good since 2001." Larry WOPAN exclaimed, "Conditions were reminiscent of the '50s when I entered ...
The radio conditions during the 2011 CQ WW DX SSB Contest were the best of the new cycle. The long-awaited cycle 24 finally showed real life. Contesters from all over the world turned on their rigs. What did they find? A dream contest unfolded over the weekend. Conditions went beyond ex...
Of course, weak-signal digital mode enthusiasts know this to be true: Even though the highest bands are not major contributors to your daily DX quota, there is indeed life on the shortwaves.TOMAS HOODP.O. Box 27654 OmahaCQ Amateur radio...
ARRL DX Contest, SSB Call: S53O Operator(s): S53O Station: S53O Class: SOSB/80 HP QTH: serdica Operating Time (hrs): 14 Summary: Band QSOs Mults --- 160: 80: 290 38 40: 20: 15: 10: --- Total: 290 38 Total Score = 33,060 Club: Slovenia Contest Club Comments: rig ts...