近期,日本股市经历了剧烈的波动,特别是在日本央行(BoJ)意外加息后。日本央行副行长内田信一(Shinichi Uchida)近日发表的言论为市场提供了一定的稳定信号。他表示,日本央行不会在金融和资本市场不稳定的情况下进一步加息。这一表态旨在缓解市场的不安情绪,并暗示央行将暂停进一步的加息,直到市场情况有所好转。这一举措对...
WisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity Fund seeks to provide exposure to the Japanese equity market while hedging exposure to fluctuations between the U.S. dollar and the yen. Learn more about the Index that DXJ is designed to track.HOW TO BUY DXJCOMPARE DXJ OVERALL MORNINGSTAR RATING i Japan Stock ...
最低{{formartData(data.f45,data.f59,2)}} 换手{{formartUnit(formartData(data.f168,data.f152,2),'%')}} 总手{{formartUnit(data.f47,'calc',1)}} 金额{{formartUnit(data.f48,'calc',2)}} 涨家数{{data.f113}} 平家数{{data.f115}} 跌家数{{data.f114}} 更多 {...
60-Month Beta: Coefficient that measures the volatility of a stock's returns relative to the market (S&P 500). It is based on a 60-month historical regression of the return on the stock onto the return on the S&P 500. Price/Book: A financial ratio used to compare a company's current...
Japan Stock 发行商 WisdomTree 相关指数 WisdomTree Japan Equity UCITS TR Hdg USD 上市日期 2006/06/16 最近派息 内容 股息:USD2.883 除净日 2024-12-26 派息日期 2024-12-30 即时串流报价: 过往表现 时期波幅升跌(%)2 1个月106.940 - 111.510
○买入转换股票名单市场 代码 股票名称 收盘价 SAR东证主板 <7380> 十六FG 4645 4350<7466>SPK21172049<7532>泛太平洋HD40733826<7595>算法图51404845<7600>MDM586564<7740>塔姆隆35153425<7888>三光合成654626<7981>宝仓 Fisco日本03/14 06:50 云突破个股列表[一目均衡表・云突破个股列表] ○云上突破股票一览...
類別 Japan Stock 發行商 WisdomTree 相關指數 WisdomTree Japan Equity UCITS TR Hdg USD 上市日期 2006/06/16 最近派息 內容 股息:USD2.883 除淨日 2024-12-26 派息日期 2024-12-30 即時串流報價: 過往表現 時期 波幅 升跌(%)2 1個月 105.960 - 111.360 2個月 105.960 - 111.510 3個月 105.96...
Get WisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity Fund (DXJ:NYSE Arca) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from CNBC.
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WisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity ETF DXJ Chart Overall Score 2.7/10#9in Japan StockOverview Interactive Chart 113.23 Price (USD) 2.01 Daily Change 1.81% Change Percent $5.04B Assets Under Management NYSEARCA: DXJ | 4:00:00 PM | 3/17/2025 See Overview Quotes delayed at least 15 minutes. ...